
Texas can suck my balls. At least until the Polyphonic Spree comes to my town. After that I take it all back.

I hope this play goes the Great White way
and the theater burns down.

Kissing ass!
Sean, you're awesome.

I agree with the go-nowhere plot, except for the detail that they are saving humanity's last hope. God, maybe they could actually add some conflict to that work of hackery. You're dumb.

Life of Pi was awesome. Anyone who hated it for the sole fact it received too much attention should go back to complaining about how their favorite bands sold out. Christ on a crutch…

I can't wait!
I hope he references the 80s!

I think Apatow-related entertainment would be more the cockroaches than the lone defender of sanity and dignity.

"I just can't stand it when a band writes boring ass nine minute wanky prog songs and they get radio play when I'm trying to drive to uni."

Where should I start?

Sad as it is, I've never actually listened to Warren Zevon's music
so thanks for writing an inventory that alienates me. Please run your inventory ideas past me in the future so that I may approve them.

Lou Pearlman forerunner
Fuck this guy RIP

My favorite part is when the jaguar left to wander the film set transforms into—wait for it—Michael Jackson.

Miley Cyrus
Makes me want to dampen my kleenex.

Oh, mother, don't be so Sentimental. Things explode every day.

It's only becomearecent favourite, but I love Graham Chapman's "Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong" song. He just puts so much into it.

Arzt, you rule.


A full hour for these two yahoos? How could they fit that in with the 4:00am Sunday slot, between informercials and test patterns, before the big gospel crunch around 6 o'clock?

To not acknowledge that virtually every gender double standard leans in men's favor would just be idiotic. So I count my lucky, hairy pot-bellied male stars every chance I'm reminded to.
But regardless the sentiment, there are times when people are allowed to roll their eyes. When I see a sticker that reads, "Stop

What about Hicks's "I'm Sorry Folk," where three minutes in he calls a woman a cunt for heckling him, and the audience becomes more or less divided immediately. Then he just decides to turn the whole lot against him. Angriest comedy album I've ever heard.