
I took that for sarcasm. Could I be becoming MORE cynical?

For some reason …
The other day I desperately wished that Fred Schneider had written a song about Hot Pastrami Sandwiches. I can't help but feel he already did it 15 years ago;

There's a rest stop
Let's hit the G-Spot!

You forgot one thing, Chief. I filled the balls with a funnel.

I will not watch
any children's movie made by Dreamworks. They are just too appealing to the lowest common denominator.

I find Be Here Now to be underrated, as well as their Don't Believe the Truth album. The latter is definitely more consistent, at least.

This movie
is so awesome.

Am I right?!

That's a good attitude to have, Deacon. I wish I could agree with the movie critics more than I do, if only because I check this site as often as I check my email, but me and them got some differing opinions.

We don't NEED movies at all.

Good call
on Ahab.

And their penchant for shocking twists make the stories read like Twilight Zone episodes, only with more maniacs and space monsters.

Why it's worth it:
Because they fucking rule. They are gory, lurid, and hopelessly misogynistic. They also often adapted short stories by well known authors of the day (there's a version of Ray Bradbury's "The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl" worth reading).
Aside from what Keith mentioned, a collected history of EC

Do you guys mean, like, swimming?

I love Trapped in the Closet. It's so good it's golden.

Badger and Hogs have it right. It was a fairly written essay, albeit one that slights the movie some. And engaging in some sort of "I'd rather this than Twilight" dialogue is just way too reductive. At the risk of unnecessary hyperbole, I really do think this is the best vampire movie I've ever seen. It stuck with me

Cry for attention
Why did Pink paint varicose veins on her outfit?

Or you can wait like a patient human being who actually enjoys the thrill of anticipation
Please, no spoilers come tv club time. Or ever, for that matter.

I liked Series 7 at the time but I don't know if it holds up. Like Man Bites Dog, I think it's been cushioned by time. There's also a subplot that involves producer tampering in so-called reality television which I thought was hacky at the time but may be more relavent than it seemed.

Where do I get that gig?