
I straight-up resent this statement. Garden Ruin is excellent. If anything, Carried To Dust is their weakest latter-period album, and even that one is quite good.

"Here's the poop. Being the owner of a power boat and speaking a little conversational French, I think it's safe to say that I understand a little something about the music industry!"

Smell the glove.

Honestly, who gives a shit?

No, thanks!

If you squint at the 2:00 mark, you can see a young Marc Maron acting incredibly hostile toward a young Michael Ian Black.

I resent Dowd's description of Age of Adz as a 75-minute belch of laptop music. That album was motherfucking incredible.

Well, there's that.

I feel like saying the two met at a "drug trial" should be clarified, especially with the mention of Rodriguez earning money. I assumed they were on trial for possession or something.

It'll be plenty wholesome until you find out Gyp Rosetti puts a belt around his neck to jack off.

This isn't a North American tour. This is just an American tour. Way to get my Canadian hopes up.

I don't know about any backlash, but I do know I find their music terrible.

Michael Shannon and Ashley Judd in Bug. Holy shit.

This article is the best.

Most of these songs are pretty terrible.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Roy Orbison!"

Every time I eat sausages I scream it out to anyone in earshot. "Sausages!"


This conversation is stupid.

I have to agree that the tone of the book and of the movie are totally different. The book is one of my absolute favorites, but I always found the movie undercooked and sloppy. But what redeems the movie is Phillip Seymour Hoffmann, whose hammy performance suggests that he had the  foresight to see this movie wouldn't