
I liked Monkeybone at the time. God only knows if I'd like it this time around.

That kid with the airplane goggles cracks me up.

Good essay
It's how I feel about the season in general. I love it, but goddamn it if I don't have a minor breakdown at some point every December.

Yes, the Great Train Robbery is indeed his best.

Skeet Ulrich?
I have heard that name in a while.

Skeet Ulrich?
I have heard that name in a while.

Don't forget daddy abandonment issues!

I find most of his work, even the best ones, cluttered and meandering, but Misery takes off running and never really lets up. I find it to be his most pared down.

Cheers for the icon love, Throatwobbler Mangrove.

It's the wiry, gaunt hands that do it for her. The picture makes him look like the Crypt Keeper performing a magic incantaion.


Good call on Black Hole
I love Y and the Goon and Louis Riel, but Black Hole may be my favorite comic. It's heartbreaking. Like Six Feet Under, if it were directed by David Cronenberg. Loved it.

Indeed, Y is awesome.

Joke's on you, Stacy. That sounds awesome.

And I think the best Canadian pop album of the decade (maybe 2nd after Arcade Fire's Funeral) is Mother Mother's O My Heart. Wonderful, it is.

If I may …
I love the White Stripes and Wilco and Spoon and LCD and MIA and the Arcade Fire but I do feel this list is incomplete without Thunder Lightning Strike by the Go! Team and Feast of Wire by Calexico. As a huge fan of all of the mentioned artists, I think these two albums belong alongside them.

I do coke proudly too.

I rescind. Grumpy day.

Dr. T. is easily one of the greatest children's films ever made
No it isn't.

I love the Polyphonic Spree cover of that song. Wonderful!