
Literary piracy helped increase literacy in the 19th century. The cost and time needed to ship books from England was so great that printers in New York and Philadelphia would just supply pirated copies. What I'm saying is that we don't know how our illegal actions might positively effect society on a whole.
So when

The letter is funny …
But Joss Whedon taking over the Terminator franchise would be the worst thing that's happened to the franchise since Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

Praise Nammtar!
AZAG-THOTH screamed upon his throne
CUTHALU lurched forth from his sleep
ISHNIGARRAB fled the Palace of Death
IAK SAKKAK trembled in fear and hate
The ANNUNNAKI fled their thrones
The Eye upon the Throne took flight
ERESHKIGAL roared and summoned NAMMTAR

Skouras, Skouras!
Skouras the Gentle Shark!

If you die of a head wound, can you come back as a retard zombie?

The Mystery of the Leaping Fish
This had Douglas Fairbanks' character "Coke Ennyday."

Jay, the problem is we can see now how it might affect us later. If you're like me you remember a time when the internet didn't exist, at least not in the daily-use ubiquitous way it exists now. There's a new generation of people who don't have that context, and to those people, the internet is relatively innocuous.

The Go! Team
I will always push myself too hard listening to The Go! Team.

If you don't start making sense, I'm going to take out my wiener and slap you down with it!

Progress is made!
To the detriment of so many students.

Don't make me say Blurst
It was the blurst of times. Goddammit, I'm probably late already.

I'm glad Hollywood finally has a director willing to abandon potentially interesting sci-fi ideas in favour of mindless action. Here's hoping there's a place in pictures for such a man.

I coul really go for some free love and some cocaine right about now.

Funkytown, you should also check out the last Kasabian album. The single "Fire" is a good track to test the water with.

I'll listen to anything that has handclapping.

Even after I knew what sucked
Kyle, I've been on a 70s kitchy easy listening kick lately, which includes all sorts of Herb Alpert and Price is Right showcase music.

Do you have any books told from the vampire's perspective?

Tina, you fat lard, come get your dinner!

No fighting??
But what if I want to fight in the dance hall?

Reboots, Reimaginings, Remakes, whatever
I'm actually in favor of rebooting a series that's still alive. In the world of comic books, and to a certain extent, television, this sort of thing happens all the time. If fucking CSI can have a dozen hacky shows running around at once, why can't Resident Evil have two