
to acknowledge my ambivalence?

You make no mistake I know just what it takes
Black River Killer really is a great song. Some of the other songs were good too, I guess.

More poems really should end with the poet swearing over a mistake. "I meant yellow WOOD. Shit."

It's a kind of art, maybe.


B+ is better than a B, Some Guy.

You failed the first one but you got this one just fine.

Maybe they'll reshoot it when this awesome band signs to a major.

And The Terminator was typical one-sided liberal hogwash. James Cameron is the Michael Moore of the cyborg world.

Alive in Joberg
That short film attached is awesome. I'm officially pumped for this movie.

Ali Larter
Has Ali Larter ever been in anything good?

Save for Gosford Park.

I still find Fred MacMurray wrong for the roll. Maybe he just reminded me too much of Ed Helms when I watched it. Barbara Stanwyk, though, on the other hand. . .

In the producers' camp
I for one love snorting Bolivian Marching Powder off pert 19 year olds.

Shoot him again. His soul is still dancing.

But what we really want to know, Phipps
How does this compare to Transformers, or its somehow more-hideous sequel?

I farted.

Thanks to the internet, I don't think buying music has been necessary in the last 10 years.

So you get another coffee, David!