
I've got to say that the nature of tragedy is just so sad.
I'm gonna look one more time for that baby deer.

I'd have preferred Streets of First.

Good on you, old boy!

You failed at life.

Duped again!
So this isn't a review for some new Brazilian metal band?

When I first played this game. . .
Ah who cares.

Big deal
Those Robot chicken fuckwads have been reveling in their lack of originality from day one.

Let Me In
I thought the novel was called "Let Me In." Wasn't this established in the Book to Film feature a few months ago?

Same problem I have with your mama's dick.

A bee bit my bottom!

That also describes junior-high masturbation.

After reading this I contend that 0 reasonable discussions are occurring.

Peter Bjorn and John
The night before my wedding the video for Objects of My Affection came on. I downloaded it and made it the last song I'd hear before getting married. I still love that song.

Jonny Greenwood
There will Be Blood had a great score. One of my favorites.

65% of Iran, I hope you continue to live in lonely misery.

Academy Award Winner Cuba Gooding Jr.

Fuck you?

Sounds like a pale remake of the British "Schindler's Crisps."

Colin is a pussy
A very very pussy cat.

Robuttnik, Billingham, you're both right. I'm a straight man who watched this video, yet I still wanted to jack off to Hilton's tear-streaked face. That was some good sadness.