
This makes me so happy. Perez Hilton should have been a blowjob.

He gave them to his gay son.

Really, Snrub? You roll on the floor? That isn't hyperbolic?

Flu Season, you are shitting in my mouth and calling it ice cream.

Step off you Howdy Doody-looking mother fucker.

I really liked all of Forgetting Sarah Marshall except for the scenes with Jonah Hill. He's like a comedy vortex, where comedy goes to die.

Damn, damn, damn.

Short Stories
I feel Night Shift had some of his best work. Short and sweet.

Short Stories
I feel Night Shift had some of his best work. Short and sweet.

Kyle, you're awesome.


This guy
is a hack.


The entirety of
Weezer's Green Album. Not my favorite of the bunch, but it's summer.

Yes. Although I'm partial to Life on Other Planets.

Enjoy. The real humiliation is sitting through it. It stinks!

A new favorite!
Leornard Pierce, you're becoming my new favorite writer on this site. A new Sean O'Neal, if you will (who was really the new Nathin Rabin). Who'll be next? Only time will tell!

Fidel, it was you who stole my rag, you son of a bitch.

Hey Yoga Fire, thanks for the major plot point.
You putz.

Hold your sarcasm. LadyUranus is right. Shakespeare totally predated Sophocles.