
I'll agree that Emile Hirsch was killer in Milk. I didn't actually recognize him throughout. Just thought he was a really goood breakout actor until the credits.

"What would you do
if your mother asked you
how you got gonorrhea?"

Horton Spears a Jew.

There were some meter issues, which made them inconsistent. But that doesn't matter, it said what needed to be said.

An inconsistent Eels album?
You don't say.

I got your note but Floyd smoked the last two pages.

I'm so rone-ry. . .

Hey, good going F.A.G.

I refuse to watch Kung Fu Panda. I hear it's Dreamworks' masterpiece, but fuck it. Goodbye, goodwill. I've already wasted too much time on Dreamworks to give it a chance.

You know, he's not a real docter.

Can it be?


Yes it has. OK Computer comes to mind.

They seem to be aware of which songs are good. So why does the latest album have so many bad songs?

The Jetsons
There was a late Jetson's episode where George doesn't tip the robot gym attendant. The robot retailiates by burning George's clothes and torment him until it gets its robot-ass fired. Then something else happened. I don't know. I changed the channel halfway through.

Oh, you men.

On a side note, I'd addicted to Ladies Home Journal magazine.

Well, they were exceedingly wealthy at the time, and they only had two options: Winnipeg, or anywhere else in the world. They made their decision and I'll be damned if snowshoe-wearing prarie jerk questions it. Yeah, think about that while you enjoy your windchill.

Dude, are you, like, being sarcastic?
You don't say.

No slapping!
I'm going to the store to buy some condoms.