
You blew it, Sam.

Holy shit, I got choked up like some wack bitch when he wrote about how his friend is moving away he's gonna miss the fuck out of her.

Sandra Bullock has been in something of value
And that is Demolition Man.

Three cheers for mediocrity!

And act less.

David Bowie gets one
And so does Robert Zemeckis. The guy did Back to the Future and was involved with the Tales from the Crypt TV show. And Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That's so boss.

Spinner, if you need it explained to you, what's the point in understanding it at all?

Can't wait for Michael Bay's Wilco remake in six years. Wait, I meant "re-imagining," sorry.

I feel I should like 5000 Fingers more than I actually do. There are, at best, moments of goodness in what always seems a dull slog.
But I also don't care for the Nightmare Before Christmas, so maybe there's a pattern to be found.

During In America
When the little girl sees Mateo in the stars. I lose my shit.
I get a little choked up during Paper Moon, in that one exchange:
"We're in St. Joes."
"So what."
"So what? St. Joe's is a big place. We can do better than twenties here."

The actual song "Live it Out" does the band most justice, I think. It's ass-shakingly good.

Good going, Narabintha!

So what? So let's dance!

The horror . . .!
Still funnier than Friends.

Working on a Sex Farm
You compared them to Spinal Tap, and one of the members is named Robb Reiner? That's convenient.

Golden delicious apples are the way to go.

I DO do drugs, and I wanna know if you've got any smokes.

What about Draculas?

If you like executions I recommend Faces of Death.

Some folks'll never lose a toe, but then again some folk'll. . .