
April Fools on Us, the readers
There really was semen in the treats, after all.

I've been listening to this album all day. It's not as instantly gratifying as Writer's Block, but it sure isn't terrible. It'll take some time to grow on me. Check out the song "Blue Period Picasso" as a good example. It starts off in "what the hell?" territory and ends up just gorgeously.

I wasn't crazy about Seaside Rock, because it was all instrumental and junk. I'm pumped. Pirate Bay, here I come!

A beautiful review written by a superfan
I have never really gotten into DOOM, but your enthusiasm is palpable.

I disagree. I quite like the dialogue, and Huang. Between the two, I appreciate Huang's sarcasm to Niko Bello's whiny bitch "the American dream isn't such a dream after all" fucking attitude. It's easy to root for Huang when he isn't condradicting himself every time he talks, going on about the value of human life

I was hoping Nathan would restate his excellent description of Wiig from his My Year of Flops write up on Walk Hard:

But the tween episodes are so funny. The Twilight one is probably my favorite, since Cartman tried exterminating all the hippies.

3rd prize youre fired:
You should know Sendak worked on the text for over a year before working on the illustrations. Also, the vocabulary is for children. I get the sense you don't know what you're talking about.

I hope all Sherpas aid me with flaming cancer. Wait, what?

Or a campfire singalong.

You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling
I haven't had that feeling in a while. I know the first Go! Team album did that to me. When "Panther Dash" came on, I was all, like, holy shit, everyone I know must own a piece of this sweet, sweet property.


I think you're confusing actors with stars.

Good call, acorvey . Rocks Off is not just subjectively my favorite Stones song, but objectively the greatest Stones song ever recorded.

It's available for DS, if you don't mind a very tiny screen. Get your walkthrough guide handy. I only keep playing it to see how else it might be like Lost, otherwise I'd get way too annoyed.

Ghost in the Shell is pretty good but it's not gateway to this geekery. I still can't figure it out.

Or Tezuka's Metropolos. It's no Fritz Lang but it's hella good.

Two Islands
I have a thought about the two islands. It came from a video game called "Myst," where you explore an abandoned island that moves through time and space. Sound familiar? I wish I could draw a diagram of the way one moves the island in the game.
Here goes: There's one island in the center with a large

This is excellent news if you're a fan of Sam Jackson ruining things. Goodbye, good will!

Ai carrumba!