
Did you notice the segregated audience?
But watching Ronnie Spector dance around to Shout makes it all worth it.

I like turtles.

Punk is an ethos that never existed. At least not in a way that allows someone to say, "Punk should be this" or "punk should be that." It's not the antithesis to prefabricated music because the Sex Pistols were wholly fabricated. It's only political 10% of the time. It's three chords played fast if you're

I've tried the watermelon kit-kat. Not worth it. I did accidentally buy a red-bean ice cream (damn, those Japanese sure love their red bean). I'm a chubby guy who doesn't turn ice cream down but that shit ended up in the garbage.

The monks vs. fat kids hip-hop showdown was something to see.

Semi-respectable? Arsenio, you say the cutest things.

I'm new to this site. What is this "Simpsons" you speak of?

It sounds like Donnie Darko meets a somehow even shittier movie.

Lost minus good.

The Faye Dunnaway/Warren Beatty Bonnie & Clyde

Pish-posh, old boy.

He's the Gary Busey of the AV club. Every time I see his work I think, damn, you're a lunatic.

I'm going to put on my copy of "Boy Fights."

Really? Blossom?
Man, talk about putting the "random" in "Random Roles." I didn't see this one coming.

I'll never admit Make Believe is brilliant. NEVER!
Though a couple of the songs are great.
Make Believe makes me hate Rick Rubin.
Green is great. How do you love one song and hate the rest? It's the same, awesome song.

I love Franz Ferdinand and I love this album.

What's this about the household douche?

You should have read the Frank Darabont draft of his Harvard application (we're still making this joke, right?).

I agree with Jorge. Let the consensus-ing begin!

It made me appreciate Jessie's Girl, in a strange way.