
No Night of the Hunter? For shame!
Good call on Sunrise.

Not crazy about the film adaptations of the Maltese Falcon, but the book was incredible.

What about Chuck Berry? Little Richard? Phil Spector's girl groups?

Porn? No, this is the latest Sandra Bullock romantic comedy. She's really phoning them in.

It asks the audience to watch evolution happen. If anyone wants to bow out of witnessing that miracle, be my guest.

Pilgrim, I feel that, like Daniel Day Lewis's character, HAL also may or may not hav been the bad guy.

Your face is a slick, gloopy mess.

Is there a way to express that something is pretentious or ostentatious, but not necessarily in a pejorative way? I love arty movies and have to own up to my own snobbishness, so I call myself pretentious, but that just makes me sound like a fake-self-deprecating jerkoff. I could say, "I'm pretentious but in an

But seriously. The thing I really hate that everyone else seems to be into is mediocrity.

I hate failure.

Wreck this, losers
Everyone I know, my friends, my mom, my classmate, all loved Pussy Patrol 4: The Wreckening. It was boring, pretentious, had long Stanley Kubrick-style shots. In the pool scene, that blonde chick could barely hold her breath. And when they promise a DP scene I expect it to be longer than ten

Genevieve, what's your thoughts on the Boondocks? Same as the others?

So what, you saying a guy's gotta be black to like poetry round here?

I like how the AVQ&A brought out everyone's hate.

I feel Kubrick's inability to direct humans is a charming idiosyncrasy in his work (well, not charming, but whatever the closest equivalent is). But I do like a long tracking shot. And movies that move very slowly. I just find them hypnotic, is all. My wife hates them.

I'm feeling LOST on the rules.

North By Northwest The is amazing and very funny. I'm also quite partial to Strangers on a Train. I don't know how faithful it was to the source material, but it's nice to know that there is at least one good movie based on a Patricia Highsmith novel in existence (because the Talented Mr. Ripley sure as fuck didn't

Why can't it be both? Sun and Ben didn't seem to be too interested in each other's respective businesses, and even though Sun said to Charles Widmore that she wants to kill Ben, I think her beef is with Charles. It was his boat, that Jin died (or should I say "died") on. I'm thinkng maybe it's Ben's idea but done

I'd already made this weak-ass argument above, but since it's a little more pertinent now, I bet that Sun's behind the blood test.

I think Sun is behind the Kate-Aaron blood test. To get her ass in gear and open up to going back.