The Unutterable

"But here's the real happy ending: The first time I took the woman who'd become my wife for a long road trip in that Olds, I popped in my Steely Dan tape and was delightfully surprised to learn that she knew the words to all the songs. And not just "Peg" and "Dirty Work," but "Razor Boy" and "Kid

I have found that Real Emotional Trash is one of those records that gets better over time. At first I had a this-isn't-bad reaction, now I really enjoy it and listen to it quite a bit. I saw them here in DC, I really enjoyed the show but the crowd just seemed really blase about the whole thing and that seemed to take

My sister was on like the dance squad in high school (we called it the drill team) and "Peg" was one of the songs they performed to during halftime, it was played by the band but I liked it. Today "Peg" still has a very nostalgic vibe for me, reminds me of high school football in the south and pretty girls dancing.

Stephen Malkmus and/or the Jicks
Noel, do you distinguish between the records released as just Stephen Malkmus (self-titled, Face the Truth) and Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks albums like "Pig Lib" (which gives us the song you featured, I believe) and the new one that you haven't heard yet, obviously? I don't know the

Kate Moss?
Is she fucking on of The Kills?

Kate Moss?
Is she fucking on of The Kills?

Murder on the Orient Express
I'm way late to this and haven't had time to go through all the comments, and this is definitely not as high-brow or profound as some others undoubtedly were (though the original AV Clubbers' choices seemed to run the gamut) but I would recommend Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient

Holy shit, dude, this has been driving me crazy about Pod, I thought it was just something I was doing wrong to make the songs so quiet.

I think IWS is being officially released later this year, but I'm not 100% sure, at this point I buy whatever The Fall puts out to repay the eons of good music they've given the world, they could release audio of Mark E. Smith shooting squirrels in his garden and I'd be lining up to buy it.

"Popless" and avoiding music
Noel, I was wondering how much, if any, new music you've heard bits and pieces of, inadvertantly or what not, just from watching TV or movies? I would think it wouldn't be enough to really make an impression, but just curious.

Is TV on the Radio out yet?

Most Disappointing of 2008
Has anybody been totally let down by an album they were excited about this year? I didn't have particularly high hopes for either of them, but the new ones from Be Your Own Pet and We Are Scientists were both a bit underwhelming, I thought, though the We Are Scientists one might still grow

I got the one by Does It Offend You, Yeah? without listening to it, just because I liked their name so I said screw it, I'm getting it, and I actually do really like it.

2008 Albums
So I'm all about order, everything in it's right place, etc, so I hate for there to be like 50 different "best of 2008 so far" lists, but I'm just egotistical enough that I don't want to tag along on somebody else's post, so blah, blah, blah, here are just a few of mine, nothing terribly obscure or

Fashion is like gossamer, and one doesn't dissect gossamer.

I thought it would be about chicken, oh well…

My eyes, my eyes
Great, I'll be having nightmares about dancing Swedish worms tonight.

The pictures
There's probably a more techinical way of saying this, but the captions for the pictures when you put the cursor over them are spectacular.

Roy Orbison Cover/"Mulholland Drive"
In Mulholland Drive there is a spectacular cover of Crying, I think it's by Rebekah Del Rio, in the Silencio night club scene or whatever. It's pretty vivid.

I would start with Veterans of Disorder, personally. "Stop" is actually a quite lovely song, which is odd coming from them. I got most of my Royal Trux stuff off of Emusic but they are not on there anymore, best I can tell.