The Unutterable

My niece attends the Arkansas School for the Deaf, their mascot is the leopard… my mom, of all people, nice little southern belle that she is, made a Def Leppard joke - I have to say, I was pretty fucking impressed.

Ha! I didn't think about the Unutterable thing, it's a Fall album, for what it's worth. I almost cried when I got the present, but probably also because I was pretty hammered. But even in my inebriated state, I remembered how to sign "Thank you," and kind of on the fly I signed OMG (I know the alphabet). Thanks for

Signing for Dummies
My 7-year-old niece is deaf, and though I only see her a few times a year, I want to learn ASL. I had mentioned that at some point for work, and for our office Secret Santa a coworker got my Signing for Dummies, which was awesome and very thoughtful on her part (I didn't take the dummies thing

Wal-Mart in the past has had a very lenient return system, you can take the DVD back and get at least a store credit for a DVD you want, just watch out for falling prices.

One of my NY resolutions is to start spelling "favorite" with a u, and I plan to start calling those paper things "cheques."

I got the new Looney Tunes collection, Volume 6, I think it is. Disc 1 suggests that all that's left in the vault is the really effed up stuff. I also got Seinfeld Scene It. I got my nieces a Wii and their happiness was another gift, I suppose (even though I want one, but got one for them first).

Nice, I just checked out Superconductor on emusic, sounds awesome. This makes my flagrant Zumpano error here a bit more bearable. I've been distraught all morning. Thank heavens I don't have my computer hooked up at home yet, I would have figured all this out last night and wouldn't have slept a wink.

This and the Year of the Flops thing would make outstanding compilations.

50 Foot Wave
I'm going to try again after my Zumpano gaffe. I actually went to the "print" page and searched "foot" and "wave" and neither popped up, so I feel pretty confident about this one.

Oh dear, I seemed to have somehow missed all of page two yesterday! I was also wondering why you didn't mention Yeah Yeah Yeahs, but didn't think much of it.

Hey, Noel, you should check out Zumpano, it was the band AC Newman was in at some point before the New Pornographers started up. I think they have two records, "Look What the Rookie Did" and another one I can't remember the name of, I got both on ebay or amazon or some such, very glad I did.

It beats some banal feminist revenge thing that's been done a billion times.

The First Wife
I haven't watched Audition in a while, but I remember thinking that the torture and violence are physical manifestations of the pain and agony of "replacing" a loved one, i.e. remarrying after losing a spouse under tragic circumstances. The actual act of making that second commitment must be emotionally

Day late, dollar short, White Rabbits, etc
I was at a work thing yesterday afternoon sans computer and I'm in the middle of a move so my home computer is not at my home-home, so I'm totally late to the Popless game this time.

Chronological Donald
These are pretty outstanding, I have the first 3 and will definitely get this new one. I think volume 2 has the WW II one where Donald dreams he's living in Nazi Germany and keeps doing the heil hitler, really effed up, but spectacular. It's got a catchy name that I can't recall right now.

Agreed, whatever your name is. And I know this isn't popular aruond here, but Sarah fucking Palin was quite close, in the scheme of things, to the Vice-Presidency, and Hillary Clinton was just as close to the Presidency (and had she gotten the nomination, she would have won, and I would have voted for her for some

I voted, I even voted for a Democrat, just the presidential wasn't my thing.

Personal Letter
Josh, I'm just curious, what did you do to get a personal letter from Obama? Did you volunteer for the campaign or something? (Or am I not getting a joke here? It seemed pretty un-ironic, but who knows.) I'm really just wondering, it's pretty neat if you did, I'd like to find somebody I would want to

…will dissent still be patriotic? Will questioning the president be un-American? SPOILER ALERT: The answers are no and yes.

She has a couple of really awesome VU covers, including "Pale Blue Eyes" and "I'm Waiting for the Man," as well as a pretty spectacular cover of "Goodnight, Irene." Lots of anti-Wal-Mart stuff, too ("Spam Again" and "That's Bad"), I think she works or worked at a Wal-Mart in GA.