The Unutterable

And I happen to effing love this song, for what it's worth. The whole CD ("Whale," I believe) is actually quite solid. But in a coffee shop? Good heavens, no.

Are all these Memphis bands sort of connected? Does American Death Ray enter into this equation at all? I think that's Harlan T Bobo, if I have his name right, and I've been meaning to check out his solo stuff. I like ADR, and I also have an EP of sorts by "Viva la American Death Ray Music" which seems to be basically

Agatha Christie
I started reading Agatha Christie at a very young age and was a big Miss Marple fan - that was basically my impression of England, very St. Mary Mead, etc, which actually struck me as very similar in its own way to the small southern town I grew up in. At any rate, my sixth grade teacher who hated me

I got my nieces in high school hooked on the New Pornographers, and they got their friends hooked, etc… Apparently a teacher heard niece and friend talking about these pornographers and asked for an explanation, niece said it's this band, teacher is outraged - she goes to the same church as my sister and family,

How I Saved the World.

The Move
Noel, ever heard these guys? "Message from the Country" is pretty solid - Jeff Lynne was involved somehow, it was right before ELO I believe. There's a backstory I think, but again, can't remember. Good music though.

The Mumps
I don't see them on here… if you haven't given The Mumps a listen you definitely should. Not dark at all. They have a huge back story that involves the lead singer being on some reality show before there were reality shows, and I think he later died of AIDS but I don't remember the whole thing. Great band

Many lines…
…from this flick certainly read better than they came across on screen.

The Hamburglar
I now hope to have a terrible hamburger somewhere so I can use the Hamburglar line, that is spectacular.

Bands Discovered Through Popless
Sort of random, but at the halfway point, there are two bands I'd never heard of before Popless and now adore: American Princes and The Action. I think there are a few others I have on my to-do list, but those two are now in heavy rotation, and I'm very grateful to this feature for

Right, my bad, it was the guitar guy from Pixies.

Three I would recommend…
Hope I'm not missing that they were discussed, or screwing up the alphabet, but…

A good jumpers song
Sleater Kinney has a song on The Woods called Jumpers, it's pretty nifty.

Love and Bottle Rocket
Can't see where anyone has mentioned this - I totally discovered Love from watching "Bottle Rocket," one of many reasons I adore that flick…

I have what I believe is the first Magazine album, "Real Life" - are the others as good or better? I've been meaning to track some of the others down.

Louis XIV
I got their Best Little Secrets CD and liked it okay, listened to it here and there, whatever. I have two teenage nieces, and at some point listening to one of Louis XIV's songs it occurred to me that these are probably exactly the kind of horny, annoying little teenage fucks my nieces are probably having to

Man Or Astro Man?
Someone mentioned them above but it seemed to have gotten mixed up in replies to another comment, so just in case - I really like these guys. I have a thing for surfish-type music.

Hey, Noel, not 100% music related, but since you mentioned AR, here are some observations…

Alan Cumming
I'm at a point where seeing that Alan Cumming is in a movie is more than enough to make me not want to see it. He just gets on my effing nerves.

I think one of her works is in the National Sculpture Garden on the Mall in Washington, right by the National Gallery and across from the Archives. This is one of my favorite places in all of DC - in the summer it has a ginormous fountain, and in the winter it's an ice skating rink. People who live in DC probably