The Unutterable

Little River Band
I had forgotten how great they are until I was watching "Freaks and Geeks" and Reminiscing was playing in the background of one scene. I immediately went out and brought some greatest hits thing and my stars, is it awesome.

The Like
Does anybody know whatever happened to The Like? I really enjoyed their one album.

I've grown quite fond of Preservation Act I, especially "Sweet Lady Genevieve" and "Change in the Weather." It's not great but charming in its own special way.

Liz Phair
Noel, not sure if anybody has brought this up, but I would be interested in hearing your take on Liz Phair's slow descent into madness. I found the whitechocolatespaceegg thing to be quite charming, actually, and a pretty successful venture into more accessible pop, but then… wow. Damn. Thoughts?

The Kelley Deal 6000/Breeders Universe
Noel, unless I completely missed it, I didn't see Kelley Deal's band The Kelley Deal 6000 on the list, and I've been meaning to go back and see if Kim Deal's side band The Amps is featured in the earlier installments.

That actually is sort of complicated, my head hurts. Is this some 11th hour attempt at a firstie?

Nathan, everyone - I'm such an idiot, I just figured out the TV Club is reviewing DVDs of classic TV shows, and I'm kicking myself for missing out on the whole SNL Season 2 thing. I have, what, like 50-60 entries to read on that one? Anyway, this is SCTV 90-Volume I, right? That's what i got from the original

Thanks, I forgot about Ask the AV Club.

So how does the Onion AV Club decide whether or not to review a particular album?

Martha Wainwright
I would buy her new album for the title alone.

Ooooh, gotcha. I'm not that familiar with any specific people who write for Pitchfork. In contrast, I have little shrines set up around my house to Noel, Tasha, etc, etc, etc.

Yeah, Pitchfork just demolished this, I was sort of surprised. Not that I absolutely let reviews decide what I'm going to get, but generally I trust AV Club's judgment more than Pforks - if AV Club and Pfork had both gone negative, I would knock this one down priority-wise (a la the new Weezer), but with this review,

This is one of my favorite words. My goal in life, in fact, is to be "uniquely squirrelly." Oddly enough, I'm not a big fan of squirrels, they're fucking up my garden in a big way, I hate them. But "squirrelly," I like.

Jeff Buckley
For what it's worth, there's a little Jeff Buckley memorial at the Memphis Zoo, in Kat Kingdom (I think it's called). Not sure why, exactly, but it's there.

Roddy McDowell is clearly the new Judd Apatow.

Roddy McDowell Streak
If I'm not mistaken, this is the second "Ask the AV Club" in a row with a Roddy McDowell reference.

Heavens to Betsy…
…is a good Sleater-Kinney history band, I believe it was Corin Tucker's pre-SK band. Forget the name of the album, it's pretty good, quite loud.

So I hope my Bob Mould comment didn't undermine the seriousness of my question, because I really am a big fan of The Homosexuals - though it seems there's no way to talk about these guys without it sounding like a joke. But seriously, Astral Glamour is pretty nifty, as is Bob Mould, so Noel, if you haven't checked

That whole album is pretty spectacular - "Ban Marriage" is my favorite. And for what it's worth, I don't think I can wrinkle my nose, not sure how people do that. I just get this weird facial expression going on if I try that.

Yeah, Hootie strikes me as too harmless to get rid of, I think they meant well.