The Unutterable


Dammit, it's Rachael. RACHAEL!!!!!

No Homosexuals?
I know you mentioned Bob Mould, but I mean the band, The Homosexuals - "Astral Glamour," etc. They're really quite mad.

Heartless Bastards
Noel, didn't see Heartless Bastards mentioned or listed, I highly, highly recommend them when you're back on new music. "Stairs and Elevators" and "All This Time" are both spectacular albums. The lead singer has this incredibly powerful voice, almost Janis Joplin-esque, without quite the rough

The Hidden Cameras
"Ban Marriage" is a pretty spectacular song, off their first album, "The Smell of Our Own" or whatnot. The next one was just awful, haven't heard the new stuff.

What a twink! How old is this kid?

Yeah, and the tourists go to the McDonalds there (upstairs from the food court) and just stare at the menu and contemplate their choices, as though it's some dramatically different experience from the McDs they're used to back home.

My BWP Experience
I'm kind of late to this, but here goes: I first saw Blair Witch Project at the dreadful Union Station theater in DC, which was near where I lived/worked at the time. The theater was crowded and everybody talked the whole time, and laughed at the Heather monologue-type-part. (I also saw The Sixth

Um, Nathan, hello???? It's queue. Your Netflix queue. What, have you got an edible complex or something?

The difficult thing about being a mass murderer isn't the murdering part. It's the mass past.

Is William Hurt kind of like the thing with Marlon Brando?

Google "zodiac motherfucker" - it's fun.

Frente! - they were ahead of their time what with the exclamation point and all

This is a sort of slow afternoon at work, had some time to kill, and I've discovered a few things:

Opryland - RIP
Oh my stars, this is taking me back, I went to Opryland when I was a kid, stayed at the Opryland Hotel, the whole shebang. I was probably actually like 12-14 or so, can't remember the exact year. They had this ride called the Screamin Delta Demon that was like a bobsled or something, and the Wabash

"Bildungsroman" is my new favorite word. I'm hoping against hope that I can somehow make use of it this weekend.

So I'm a big airline/aviation geek and have been since my first plane ride when I was like 6, and one thing I always found thrilling about Price is Right is how they would generally say what airline the trips were on and usually show a picture of the plane. Hawaii trips were usually on Western Airlines,

I liked…
…the mountain game with the yodelers.

Jeans, t-shirt, brunette wig, no makeup.

Lots of exclamation points