The Unutterable

That sounds like the title of a Fall Out Boy song.

Cynicism is underrated. At any rate, I'm more misanthropic than elitist, but there's a fine line between the two, I suppose. I'm sure there are nice people out there but taken as a large group, the human race is a bit iffy. For what it's worth, I'm anything but a social pariah, and I have no idea what having touched a

Yes, but…
Isn't the film's continued relevance also sort of depressing or maddening or possibly funny, or whatever, given that things don't change, and probably won't ever change, no matter who's in the White House, whether it's Reagan or Bush or Bush or whoever all the enlightened ones hate, or Clinton who they all

Thanks, thanks

Suburban Girl/Girl's Guide…
Hey, this might be a dumb question, the last movie covered here, is it Suburban Girl or the Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing or both or neither?

Interesting, interesting.

It was really sad, my last year or so at a little liberal arts college in Atlanta - this was probably 97/98 or so - we had some goofy "Stomp the Lawn" festival thing, and DnC was headlining the show. Probably not the kind of gig they imagined themselves playing when they first started out…

A gal thing? Amazon?
The Pitchfork article seemed to imply that this is somehow related to BYOP's lead singer being a chick (they mention a lot of guy-led bands with equally or more "violent" lyrics), but not sure if I'm buying that. Sounds dumb though, if this is the real story. Couldn't they just put one of those

The other band I wanted to ask about - any word on how the performance was, etc, - is The Breeders, but in this context that just seemed like a bit much.

The Homosexuals?
Weren't the Homosexuals supposed to play? (Is there any way to make this question sound not like a joke somehow?) Perhaps I'm thinking of another event.

The original, the nature of evil, blah-blah-blah
I think when I saw the original I got the whole "media violence" idea, but to me the most extraordinary and off-putting aspect of the film was the fact that there was absolutely no rhyme nor reason to the violence itself - I think one of the characters jokes about

Haden, you're post seems completely sincere, and if you were being sarcastic or humorous in any way, all apologies, but you failed miserably - and I love laughing at gay people, trust me! - so I'm going to go ahead and say this…

Unofficial Parties
So in the Wall Street Journal eithe yesterday or Thursday there was an article about all the "unofficial" parties, and how the official SXSW folks have been cracking down, either with complaints about using the SXSW name (legit) or by calling the fire department to have the parties shut down for

Airline Websites on Wings
Marc, what you were probably seeing on the DEN-AUS flight was the planes "winglets," little upticks on the wings that give the plane more range and fuel efficiency somehow, not sure of the details. Most airlines put their websites and some variation of their logo on the winglets, if their

Knitting - Wallace and Gromit
I've wanted to learn to knit ever since I saw the first Wallace and Gromit shorts - Gromit knits during the space flight to the moon, if I recall correctly. He also starts knitting during one particularly tense moment in the Were-Rabbit movie.

PFO, that's EXACTLY what I wanted to post!!!! Guess you have to get up pretty early in the morning…

I had forgotten about that one. I so trust Ms. Watts' judgment, though, that I'm not even skeptical of a Birds remake. I welcome it, in fact!!!!!

With her emphasis on directors, how incredible would it have been to see her in a film with Hitchcock, or Truffaut, or Rohmer? Or Kubrick??

I think sometimes the deal is that those are old rentals, which are broken up for rental purposes, as I understand it. That might have been the case with the ones I bought, not sure.

Arkansas Shout-Out
When I was down in AR either this past Thanksgiving or on Labor Day weekend, can't remember exactly which time, my mom and I went to Russellville, stopped by the Hastings there (music/dvd store with lots of used goods)… apparently somebody in the Rville metropolitan area decided to get rid of their