The Unutterable

"Liked" is such a strange word to use in connection with Haneke films. I've been sort of mesmerized, I guess, by all of his films. With "Funny Games" I felt like I had let somebody beat me up, and liked it.

It is so, so, very awesome when you read an interview with an actress you respect and admire, and she comes across as just as intelligent and interesting and engaging as you had imagined. I'm just blown away right now. Give this girl an Oscar for something, anything!!!!!!

Boylan Heights definitely. Oddly enough (perhaps) I found Still Life and Weird Foods and Devastation at a dollar store at Arundel Mills Mall a few years back. I really, really like Still Life.

The Connells
I was sure you would have some Connells, Boylan Heights specifically - just because as I recall you have a Georgia connection, and a definite overall Southern background, and they just seem to be pretty standard in those parts (they're from NC, if I recall correctly). I went to school in GA and they

Political Bios/Memoirs
There are a billion books like this in the world of politics, and if you enjoy seeing them get ripped to shreds, I highly recommend Florence King's book reviews, which are compiled in a book that I believe is called "Deja Reviews." Her takedowns of Pat Schroeder, Susan Molinari, Christie Todd

The Cover…
…looks vaguely like the one from The Fiery Furnaces' "Gallowsbird's Bark."

The Feelies
Was there supposed to be some reissue of The Feelies' first album? I saw it for a while on like preorder on Amazon, etc, but it seems to have fallen off the radar.

For what it's worth, I'm not that familiar with Toby Keith's most recent work, the "I love this bar" or whatever, or the song about beer for my horse, which I think is Toby Keith. But "Wish I Didn't Know Now," "He Ain't Worth Missing," and "I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying" are all pretty spectacular songs. And almost

The Drummer
I can't wait to hear the drums from Janet Weiss, I adore her.

Noel, I really don't watch AI that much, but I get the feeling that a lot of the contestants are people who've been trying desperately to "make it big," who fancy themselves as natural superstars, and who see this is their big break, so they're not necessarily unprocessed or amateur, per se, they want to be processed

Toby Keith
The thing is, with Toby Keith the hatred is 100% political, it has nothing to do with art. If the lyrics to all his songs were changed to anti-war statements, nobody would have a problem with or care about the actual songs themselves, and plenty of people would probably go out of their way to like him just

Wes Anderson is another one that comes to mind for me, he's sort of shorthand for a rather precious, earnest, quirky, whimsical style of filmmaking, or for an overly-precious, faux-earnest, too-quirky-for-its-own-good, whimsy-for-whimsy's sake style of filmmaking. One thing I notice is that when people are compared

Cleaners from Venus/American Princes
Noel, I found this band in a completely roundabout way and downloaded a best-of type thing mainly because I liked the name in a weird way, they're actually quite good. Didn't see them on here.

Ok I totally fell for that, I didn't even see the tee-hee thing. I watched like 10 seconds of the song part and then kept skipping through to see when the Samantha Fox part kicked in (she's such a wild dame!). That's just mean.

So this is not a cover of or in any way related to the Samantha Fox song? I just don't have it in me to listen or watch

Charlie Feathers
Noel, any quick thoughts on this guy? I saw some CD of his somewhere and thought about getting it. I think he's from Mississippi (my homestate), and I'm sure I've heard of him before, but recently he was mentioned in something about some Memphis band I was reading about, can't remember which one, but

Cat Power…
…is one I was curious to hear your take on. I'm a bit of a bandwagoneer - I actually got into Ms. Marshall when The Greatest came out (I grew up near Memphis and was intrigued by the MEM backing band, etc), then sort of went backwards. I've been happy with every album, but the new Jukebox didn't really do

Dude, you just gave me a spectacular time-waster for the three-day weekend.

I actually just got Preservation Act I (or whatever it's called) last night and I'm fixing to give it a listen.

Rushmore, etc.
Also, to me you can't hardly talk about the Kinks without mentioning the unbelievably brilliant scene from Rushmore with "Nothing in the World…"