The Unutterable

Tired of Waiting for You
This is one song that almost gets me choked up every time - the lyrics, the melody, everything. Amazing.

I'm pretty sure Stacy512 went with the "1910s" as a very subtle way of claiming FIRST.

The Action
Hey, Noel, if you're keeping track of how many lives you've changed through this feature - after reading a previous chapter I got The Action's "Rolled Gold" and really, really, really like it. Thanks much.

Gotcha. "Cry Like a Baby" was also sort of a hit, I think. "Neon Rainbow" makes me all goofy happy.

Also, I'm intrigued by the name of this band or whatever it is.

Box Tops
So no Box Tops? I mentioned them last week in connection with Big Star, was wondering if the Box Tops not well thought of, since they were very corporate/orchestrated, etc? I just randomly found out that Alex Chilton was a Box Top, got the best of, like it, but don't know anything about how they're perceived.

I got some silly "VH-1 We Are the 80s…" best-of style CD for Bow Wow Wow, and I feel like it's all I need. The Wedding Present has this really weird cover of "Wild in the Country," I can't decide whether I like it or not. Also, the Noisettes lady reminds me of Miss Bow Wow Wow.

Everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant. It just makes me want to set myself on fire.

The Homosexuals?
THE Homosexuals? Astral Glamour, etc? Holy cats! Two exclamation points indeed. Wow.

Yeah, I think I meant to have "in" or "with" in there somewhere, kind of changed the whole meaning. Chilton is a Box Top, I suppose.

Big Star
Whenever a friend gets engaged a make them a CD that is tailored fairly closely to stuff they might like, things that remind me of the happy couple, etc, though they might not have heard of most of the songs I put on there. At any rate, "When My Baby's Beside Me" goes on every CD, because to me it's just

I suspect this post has deeper meaning, but I'm not sure - it's all so complicated.

I can't help it, I'm all about multitasking.

I guess it just all depends…

The latter. City. Inside the Beltway. The OT.

I would look long and hard at the lube sales at Amazon.com for a sure gauge of randiness.

Y'all are just jealous because you aren't as saucy as proud Alexandrians like yours truly. I'm actually having sex right now.

Did this guy have something to do with Smoosh? I'm not a big Death Cab fan but I really like those young ladies.

I'm willing to make many sacrifices for gay equality, but Grandpa's Country Fried Breakfast is not one of them.

Dude, I'm a total city fuck. I'm pushing for a Cracker Barrel in DC, over by Chinatown and the Verizon Center.