The Unutterable

I seem to recall that in Rosetta, there's this part where she goes over to the guys house and he plays the guitar or something, and he's just awful, but it was funny in a weird way, the way she was looking at him or something. I might be completely confused or thinking about another movie. Haven't seen this in

See, I prefer the brown gravy, when possible, though in breakfast hours they generally haven't made it yet. But the cornbread is soooo good with the brown gravy. And butter. Wow. The white Sawmill gravy is extraordinary, though. I sometimes do the chicken-fried chicken, but I can't do that on the breakfast platter, I

I was thinking more in terms of am I the only Rosetta fan right here, in this little corner of the world. Seemed to be a lot of antipathy.

I'm a country fried steak man myself, which always leaves me with an agonizing choice: Grandpa's Country Fried Breakfast, or the Country Fried Steak dinner? And we'll be brunching it, so I can go either way, so to speak. Decisions, decisions. Perkins is pretty straightforward, the Tremendous Twelve, always.

I'm going on a used-book-store/Perkins (or possibly Cracker Barrel) road trip Sunday with some friends, and this reminded me to start making my list of books to look for.

Am I the only one who liked Rosetta?

I was romania at the model UN my senior year in high school, 1990 I think - definitely post-cauecescu guy. Our plan was to help orphans or something. Very stocked about this film and the other romanian ons are on my Netflix queue.

Au Pairs
Surprised to see them get the ax. "We're So Cool" is one of my workout songs, the "You must admit/when you think about it/that you're mine" thing is awesome. But I also heard a couple of tracks off their "Sex and Sexuality" CD or whatever it was called, and wasn't that impressed. Not sure about the Au Pairs'

Edward Burns etc.
Wasn't there another movie just a couple of weeks ago in which Burns was described by the AV Club as looking sleepy? Also, will we come to find out from Ms. Heigl that this movie is in fact sexist, misogynist, etc?

Who are those poor children?

American Princes/Little Rock
So American Princes sound pretty good, but if you read anything about their music you are inevitably bombarded with horrible plays on "Little Rock," i.e. "This band shows that Little Rock actually rocks big," or "They're from Little Rock, but their sound is big," blah-blah-blah. Stuff like

Little Rock
Yikes, I just started diving into all this Memphis music I'm hearing about from a friend and now I'm going to have to shift over to Little Rock for at least one band. Little Rock is a surprisingly nifty little town, btw.

lexicondevil, I saw the architecture boat tour and it's absolutely on my agenda for the next Chicago visit, whenever that may be. I rode the big Ferris wheel too.

I had "chicken rings" at White Castle, and they just absolutely blew my mind. This was a seriously awesome weekend. The big downside was that I passed out drunk on the way back to the hotel from the wedding and missed the late-night voyage to Steak n Shake. But I wasn't hungover at all the next day - that's how

JoJo, you jaded little person you. A, Why so condescending? No need for that…; B, I had never had White Castle, and it was pretty great, and puts Krystal to shame; C, it was probably particularly good because I was with some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and we had the whole weekend ahead of us, and it was

My buddy's wedding was out in the burbs, next time I go I want to stay smack dab in the middle of Chicago. The night we got in I had White Castle for the first time ever. Seriously, this was one of the most perfect weekends of my entire life.

Tasha, Keith, you guys are in Chicago, right? I went there this past summer and took the train into the city from out in the burbs and it was spectacular, I loved it. I love Chicago but this was in July and I would probably hate the winters.


Self-destructable DVDs
At the airport coming home from Christmas this one place had DVDs you could rent and I guess they work for two days and then they just don't work anymore, and you can throw it away or whatever. I'm pretty sure I saw that. I have weird dreams too, though, so who knows…

From the Village Voice's list of "10 Movies That Deserved More Attention" -