Danny Almonte

Maybe I'm the only one, but I thought her performance in this episode was amazing and her performance in 316 was horrendous. I guess that's part of LOST though, where they consistently nail mystery and vagueness but sometimes the answers are a little info-dumpy and clunky.

Wait, are you saying that my story is bullshit or that it reminds you of the bullshit in that stupid memoir? Because rehab is a collection of crazy people who are bad at following rules, some of whom have very little desire to get better. That's probably the wildest thing I did, but I witnessed plenty worse.

I went to the same rehab that Jon Hamm was just in, and got a blowjob from this young lady in the woods while I was there. Thankfully, she got out a week before me and had already relapsed, so I avoided a lot of unnecessary drama that would make this an interesting story.

I greatly preferred whatever Simmons was doing on commentary to Snoop Dogg tossing the Axeman out of the ring.

I have 2. A "Milpool" on my leg and a "Flying Hellfish" on my upper arm (both in the logical places.)

Here's my question: does Vince think this is good? At this point, they're committed to the mediocre-at-best WM card, but I feel like they could at least try to build it up. There's a ton of talent on the roster and they've just configured it in the weirdest way so that everyone looks like garbage.

Yeah they announced it at the end of today's CBB. Not sure when it comes out, but I think they already recorded it.

I'm unreasonably excited for the upcoming episode with Dabney the caricature artist.

I thought Seth Rollins was going to be the next host.

I'm seriously trying to figure out what WWE can do the night after Mania to keep me watching. A New New Nexus that actually gets booked well? Austin coming back? I just don't know. It's not just that it's bad right now - it's fucking boring as shit.

Zayn is cool, but his friend El Generico is saving orphans in Mexico or something. Now that's a guy to look up to.

I'm an unabashed Y2J mark, and I thought this was great… But how can you hate on "Ass Man"? It's SO stupid that it comes back around to being amazing. I hear that shit and cackle like an idiot.

"We love you, Harris."

Except Shoemaker was 100% confident that the title match would end differently than it did (intentionally vague in case you still haven't watched.)

First, wanted to thank you guys for giving me good advice a couple months back (I was pining after a girl who was talking about dumping her boyfriend and you rightly told me not to focus on that, and surprise she's still with him.)

Yeah but the undergrad business school is called Wharton. Fair enough though, I'll concede I'm wrong.

I was pretty surprised they didn't go back and credit the 3rd place guy for "Wharton" when the question was asking about the business school at UPenn. I think the question was maybe asking for the university and so naming the program would be wrong? I dunno.

2) Boutros Boutros-Ghali

Especially because they seem completely won over by this off-the-record conversation, but their description of it made him seem, to my biased ears, just as shady as before if not more so.

I'm always amazed by that Tornado DDT through the ropes. But yeah, it's shocking how much better the writing is for NXT than the main roster.