Danny Almonte

Considering when The Rock came out, the real question is whether it would have been better with Flex Kavana in it.

But what are his thoughts on the recent offensive statements of Nathan Fielder? The world needs to know.

It was Mark Yeaton, who served as timekeeper (not to be confused with Maxwell Keeper) but he was released last year. Probably because no current wrestlers need cans thrown accurately at them in the ring.

Whenever Krusty's not on the screen, all the other characters should ask, "Where's Krusty?"

Which Dragon Age, assuming I just wanted to play one rather than go through the whole series? Inquisition?

Oh that's a bummer. I tried playing a previous Assassin's Creed game and couldn't really get into it. I felt like I was just jumping around like an idiot and couldn't get to the places I wanted to go. Had the same problem with Arkham City. I really liked the atmosphere but the mechanics didn't click for whatever

So I'm not a huge gamer, but I was hoping some of you nice people could recommend a new game for me. My favorite games from childhood are FFVI and Chrono Trigger, and more recently I absolutely loved Red Dead Redemption and the Mass Effect series, and enjoyed the last couple GTAs well enough. Assume I have played

Red Vines are fucking disgusting. Twizzlers all the way!

Maron tried out for SNL in… the early 90s? Someone can correct the time period. I think with the goal of hosting Update.

Oh totally. Worst case scenario she would have been an excellent mechanic. I just meant in terms of bouncing from gimmick to gimmick without it clicking, and now she's connecting in a way she didn't before. It's exciting to see that kind of growth.

Yeah I don't mean to be too hard on her. Part of the fun of developmental is watching people throw shit against a wall and seeing what sticks. Just look at Becky Lynch!

It's like a bootleg Regal theme that then suddenly becomes a bootleg Sami Zayn theme. Or like a reverse Vaudevillains thing. Just bad.

That Dana Brooke promo was the worst thing I've ever seen. And it's pre-taped! Was it like in Mr. Burns's movie where that was the best take they could get?

Yeah they were annoying. All their questions were just shitty jokes rather than questions.

tss why'd you need an extravaganza? One vaganza wasn't good enough? tss

Fair enough. It was a bit of hyperbole but I'm pretty ignorant of non-WWE wrestling. Nevertheless, it's immediately obvious that they both have "it", and supposedly HHH is in the ear of the announcers during any NXT-related segment on Raw so they have been and hopefully will be treated as a big deal in the future.

So, I like Amy Schumer a lot and think that her woman on the street and closing interviews are always great.

I could honestly watch Zayn and Owens feud and/or tag together for the next decade. It's like Bizarro Cena and Orton.

I watched a few of the 1998 Raws on the Network. The Attitude Era was exactly as great and terrible as people remember it. What's most interesting is that the midcard actually had stories. The matches are short and shitty, but they all have something going on and they don't just do the same thing every week. As much

But how else will the crowd know when to chant, "This is Awesome"? I totally agree. In fact, I'd like to see Signature moves occasionally win matches, too.