Danny Almonte

tss tss you like the green room? What is it green wit envy or somethin'?

You mean it isn't healthy for 300-lb men to slam their heads into each other 60-80 times over the span of 3 hours?

The Royal Rumble was actually last night and I'm still angry about how it went down. At least Pittsburgh was an awesome crowd at booing the shit I hate. Hopefully Cleveland steps up tonight and craps all over much of the product.
(Seriously, it's like if in 1997, instead of letting Austin win, they decided to bring

It's going to be Sideshow Bob, right? They've wrung every drop out of that character a while ago, and it could lead to a semi-poignant moment with Bart.

Or a character created by Aaron Sorkin or Lena Dunham.

That depends, though. If you think that the GOP is pretending to be stupid to appeal to the undereducated segment of their base and then losing in general elections because they go from poignant to comical, it fits. If you think that they're actually just dumb motherfuckers, then no. In reality, it's a little of both.

Yeah 1st year associates at my firm are in the 160-200 range when you factor in bonuses. Of course, I'm just a lowly paralegal, so fuck 'em I'll spend my time on the internet.

I'm here to kick bubblegum and chew ass… and I'm all out of bubblegum.

It's actually about a bus that had to speed around the city, keeping its speed over fifty, and if its speed dropped, the bus would explode. I think it was called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down".

My name-a Borat!

That story is so much more boring that I believe it. It clearly wasn't so bad that they'd take the title off her, so who knows.

The story I heard was that Michelle Beadle and CM Punk were talking backstage (at the filming of Tribute to the Troops?) and AJ came up and flipped out on Beadle. At first they thought it was a joke, but then she kept yelling. Who knows if it's true, and I'm pretty sure Punk has slept with every diva who's ever worked

What probably killed it was that Sunny and The League basically maintained their ratings despite the new channel and at least one of them changing nights, while Totally Biased was getting a 0.0 rating.



When I say "Wo", you say "Pat"! WO!

My issue with pretty much all the Grantland podcasts is the voices. About half of them are mind-numbingly grating and the content just isn't strong enough to get past that.

Surely just having a friend couldn't be no crime worthy of time travel assassination?

Blue Chips! I inexplicably love that movie with all my heart.

I get the sense that they're all absolutely terrible at fantasy football. I'm not sure if that's intentional or a result of the production schedule or an accident, but it kind of makes the 8 team league more palatable in an odd way.