Danny Almonte

I think you could make the case that the opening montage from Up is their greatest achievement, but not the movie as a whole.
On a purely visual level, I don't know that there's a consensus choice, but I prefer your choices as well.

The Simpsons invented the pie fight, the pratfall, and the seltzer bottle, as far as I know.

Sure. It's on ESPN? How do I join?

Depends on the order, I'd say.

I've been dealing with identity theft. So that's pretty fucking awful… Bob.

Ft. Lauderdale, what what! I definitely don't comment enough to be a big get, though. Would we be eating the crickets or having sex with them?

"Lisa's Substitute" was season 2. I'd say that's at least "worthwhile". (I'm showing remarkable restraint right now.)

I dunno, I can find them all on the map, but I have no clue where Springfield is.

I imagine the 30 for 30 will be focused on the old-timey basketball aspects, but the dissolution of the Spirits of St. Louis is way more interesting than their existence. The owners get 1/31 of all shared revenue, including national TV contracts. Completely bananas.

@avclub-577bf73a564d1fd9878f3c70f931a066:disqus Regardless of weight, kids will make that joke. You get over it pretty quickly.

Is that the one where Tooms married a 16 year old who looked weathered and middle-aged? Truly disturbing.

Ohhhh a "gym."

It's pretty much the same as the last few seasons. I may stick out a few more episodes and then quit as well. It seems like the show cares enough to have a solid finale that sucks me back in, and then I remember that (first season notwithstanding) all the other episodes are schlocky and predictable.

Plus the "ks" requires no finger movement, just pressing down! It's way easier than all that effort to move my ring finger to press "x". I'm exhausted just doing it.

This creamed corn tastes like creamed crap!

The list could just be "Every Actress Feet". I'd criticize Google for not recognizing that as sexual, but feet are gross so I can't blame them.

I was under the impression that all baby boomers love him? And the Newsroom.

So, the finale will be both Ted meeting the mother at the train station and Ted proposing to the mother a year later at the same hotel, right? Because if that's what happens, I will almost certainly cry. In a good way.

I had a friend post a picture on Facebook of the two of them with something like, "Guess who came into the store today? Bob Odenkirk (Saul from Breaking Bad) and David Cross (Tobias from Arrested Development). So cool!" Thankfully, someone ranted at him about Mr. Show before I could.

I should have mentioned that she's a teenager and I'm a 65 year old man pretending to be 14. But she's 19 so she thinks she's the creep. Hilarity ensues?