Danny Almonte

A what now? Who said that? Where am I?

@avclub-e773dbc579a0ef997675d836974d747c:disqus Man, this has really turned into a Three's Company situation.

Relax. I was just making a dumb joke. Because people who don't use the internet would never see my comment and therefore I'm emboldened to talk shit to them.

20% of adults don't use the internet? That seems pretty high.

I think their argument would be that they often sit in the writers room and pitch ideas and then someone says "Didn't the Simpsons do something like that?" and they have to scrap it, whereas from their perspective Family Guy looks like it says, "So here's the plot from an episode of the Simpsons, let's just add some

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus Yes, the NBA subsidizes the WNBA. I'm pretty sure they've lost money every year of their existence, but the marketing and public relations stuff are solid enough to compensate for a relatively low-cost venture. I'm pretty sure the NBA also made broadcast rights a package

I'm more of a fan of "horse,"

Also, his only real strength is post defense, which is almost entirely useless in the current NBA. Dwight and Bynum will probably never be as good as they were, and there aren't a lot of other traditional centers out there.

Did you explain how the women's good fundamentals make up for their inability to dunk?

They just signed with Bachelor Records. They're opening for the Kooky Cavemen. (Kavemen?)

I really hope Rhodes and Sandow both get proper pushes out of this feud. Summerslam is shaping up to be pretty strong.


White Park…

Yeah that was true for a while, but then I think someone got nervous and some leaks came out that he'd be there. Nothing definite, but different from the denials. That was pretty late in the promotion time though, might not have been until the actual day of the finale.

He does sink a few more ships, it's true, than a well-bred monarch ought to do.

The real point of Breaking Bad is to show that all self-described "nice guys" are actually raging sociopaths.

That's the Drake style of rapping (I know this particular line wasn't his, but still.) You add a little aside at the end of every line and just have to rhyme that. It's… pretty bad.

I'd say it predates them as an annoying thing people won't shut up about. Throw Libertarianism in there for good measure.

His outfit should always be covered in pieces of flair.

I am of the opposite opinion.