Danny Almonte

The one that they based The Informant! on was pretty great.

156 out of 243 stayed sober to this day? Even adjusting for these people all being at complete rock bottom and ready to turn it around, a 64% recovery rate is insanely high. I think there has to be some creative accounting going on there.

Addicts don't tend to keep detailed spreadsheets of their spending habits. They estimate, and it's hard to tell whether they're exaggerating upwards or downwards about amount/price. Maintaining an addiction requires an insane amount of lying, after all.

@avclub-666b9ed0739d8d309d3a72e199026072:disqus You know Aaron Sorkin?

The wrestling articles always seem to get a lot of comments, although if they were covering a 3-hour show weekly I'm not sure that would hold up. But yeah, it'd be nice to get a perspective on wrestling other than "dumb wrestling guy" or "Brandon Stroud lecturing me about slut-shaming."

I really wish there had been a stand-up there to just destroy her. She completely ruined the episode for me. Part of the nature of improve I guess is not shutting people down (I was going to say "being nice" but they were definitely talking about raping babies when it was most noticeable so that doesn't really apply),

Probably the episode where she bought/freed the Unsullied and unleashed her dragons. I don't usually care for her performance but I thought she was great there, which shows how easily influenced I am by music and explosions.

Shit, I thought this was really funny. The rewatch value is probably pretty low compared to a lot of Futurama, but I laughed a ton. To each his own.

"Goo goo ga ga? What the fuck does that mean?"

I didn't KNOW that, but I have been using less hot settings on my dryer lately in an effort to have some t-shirts not shrink. So on some level I suspected it through trial and error, but I wouldn't be confident about it.

That's why Dr. Dre is a genius. In NWA, he had Ice Cube write all his shit. On "The Chronic" he had a young Snoop write it. On "2001", he had Eminem write it. Now he can have Kendrick Lamar write all his verses for "Detox"! Or like, Lil Bow Wow's grandson, probably.

Tolerable: Watch 'n' Sniff. There will be no 5-week delay on that one.

House of Pies…

Agree 100% about Derrick. Also, he's pretty damn small and while he's a good athlete, isn't on 'roids like most of these psychos, which makes his beasting all the more impressive.

In high school, my friends and I would go to Fuddruckers and get burgers and fries and shakes and compete to see who could avoid diarrhea. Spoiler alert: we all lost every time.


And then after he crashes and burns as wunderkind VP, Michael brings him back and Kevin calls him "Fired guy!"

There comes a point in every episode where I say, "You know you can cut stuff, right?" There are a lot of meandering setups to semi-obvious punchlines, where if they just trimmed the fat it would be pretty funny. It's shown flashes, though.

Then in the early 80s he hooks up with Lindsay Weir and tells her that she looks like a younger version of this woman he used to sleep with, and Sally walks in on them? Sally's best friend could be a robot or something.

"The only thing that I really hate is stupidity," says the man who appeared in an Insane Clown Posse movie.