Danny Almonte

Yeah, that Prop 8 ruling was kind of inevitable. That, combined with listening to the summer associates outside my office trying vainly to analyze it with their perpetual frogs-in-throats homogeneous voices… where was I going? Makes it the poison pizza of SCOTUS.

I think you might find yourself on a few blind dates with Chris Hansen, though.


Miss Porter's is about 2 hours away from NYC. Assuming the whorehouse was near Hershey, PA, that's another 4-5 hours. Still a long time to be in a car with those two little vacuums of personality and a daughter that hates you.

Larry's definitely an asshole, but he's also terrified of conflict, at least in part because he wants everyone to like him. Hank just wants the power.

Yeah, I'd say before this episode I viewed him as an asshole, but afterwards I viewed him as a complete piece of shit.

Yeah I usually do that too, unless it's something I'm already interested in. There's just no chance the actor is going to be honest about it.

@avclub-4c56756898d633b36107f305da70351d:disqus Shit, I thought he was still on the Rockies. Don't listen to any of the nonsense I'm spewing.

Proof within that joke: he probably tried it using "median" and audiences didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. Although "average" is funnier/simpler, even to a stickler like me.

It probably has something to do with all those abscesses on his butt…

"Is she getting dumber or just louder?" is the real question.

I'm not sure I can really give advice, but I have a half-brother that I've never met. He's like early 20s now, and his mom has legit mental illnesses (I'm not sure exactly what the diagnosis would be, but it led to the dissolution of her brief marriage to my dad before he was born.)

Dan Brown is the real red flag there. The other ones would annoy me a little but could just be a blind spot and a mental fart. I'm super judgmental about that kind of thing too - so many 50 Shades of Grey fans out there, which I guess could be trying to project all sorts of things but just depresses me.

Yeah the Gemini traits are pretty accurate for me, too. But, for instance, my dad and sister are the same sign and have completely dissimilar personalities. My friend told me they probably had different "rising signs" based on time/place of birth, so I think it's basically "keep digging until you hit what you're

29. But I'm rounding it down to 12. (For Little League purposes only.)

I'm the birthday boy or girl (boy)!

GS Warriors! Mullin and Hardaway dropping 3s!

I'm with you. I don't know if it's that Stewart is streaky or I just get tired of him sometimes, but this was a perfect break and Oliver's done a great job. And while I get that the interview portion is new to him, I find Stewart's interviews to be unwatchable 90% of the time (I typically delete the episode after the

Well, obviously. But you can't really expect someone to tenderly hold you and whisper that everything will be all right a few days after you break up with them…

I had a girlfriend dump me after 2 years, then when I came over to pick up the shit I had left at her place she was crying because she had bedbugs. A.) I'm not going to comfort you and B.) you can keep those sweatpants for yourself.