Can I come down to Brooklyn and take some of your friends' money? They obviously don't need it.
Can I come down to Brooklyn and take some of your friends' money? They obviously don't need it.
There is a place on television for a video game/pop culture/tech station. It's called the Internet. Wait, that's not right…
Whedon's one of those guys that was made for the Internet age. His cutesy dialogue and penchant for stupid memes are perfect for people on the Internet to go "look at this hat it's so wacky that tough guy Jayne is wearing it schwarma schwarma schwarma lol lol lol".
@avclub-eccbc7cdf4dfd00792d431e1a1d896fa:disqus Hell, the first half of Fellowship is just a series of "oh, look, the hobbits might be in dang—nope, they're fine" vignettes. I've been trying to read it and I have to keep putting it down for a few days because nothing fucking happens. Even the encounters with the…
Anything from The Mollusk (except for "Pink Eye (On My Leg)").
I guess singing toothbrushes haven't gone away yet in order to find a new life.
If you like government services, you wouldn't want NYC to be cut off from the state, since the city (and its suburbs) subsidizes upstate with their tax money.
@avclub-1572896563ee3d0d1269c8f7c9fe34cb:disqus I've found some post-hardcore bands that mix the screaming with actual singing to be really fantastic. I absolutely love A Skylit Drive, they're one of my favorite bands, and there are some others that I like quite a bit, like Escape the Fate, Pierce the Veil and…
Just repeat to yourself, "it's just a show, I should really just relax."
I'd rather see something in late March/early April, because there's nothing between President's Day and Memorial Day.
No, not sex with kids, just horses.
The Horns of Nimon has one of the most wonderfully scenery-chewing villains in DW history. And I like The Happiness Patrol.
I believe he did the same thing when he started his show on Current.
There was an anthology-ish show on NBC a couple years ago called Love Bites. They had a couple characters show up in every episode (Greg Grunberg was in it) but combined their stories with segments featuring one-off characters. It was actually pretty entertaining for a summer filler show, but I doubt it would have…
That must be why she's a sullen girl.
Next week: An alcoholic tells you how you should behave.
Do they not have combs in Australia?
Waaaaaaaah, the mean liberal AV Clubbers are beating up on a has-been Republican whose relevancy, such as it was, ended twenty years ago!
I remember watching the show when I was a kid, and then I re-watched some of it about ten years ago when it came out on DVD. The biggest thing I took away from it on second viewing was that it was packed with Boomer nostalgia jerkoff material — all the Motown/oldies music in the soundtrack, references to "radicalism"…
That would have required some kind of resolution to the plot and not having the series just kind of shrug and say "ehh, whatever" at the end of the season.