
ELO's Livin Thing at the end of Boogie Nights really stands out for me.

You haven't seen the Wrestler or Black Swan, have you?

Whatever. Damnation Alley will be the big hit of the season.

8 Simple Rules For Riding My Teenage Tauntaun
Kylo XY
Ken Burns' Jizz - From Figrin D'an to the Cantina
Wampa Over Yompa

Jefferson Starship had some good songs here and there and a great sci-fi bent at the start but there was no way how they could top the Airplane, especially when their Volunteers album is considered.

Ever notice in that special that the microphone the guy sings into looks like a big pink marital aid?

Nelvana had to start somewhere. They're still around today.

Don't forget Like Father Like Son, the Kirk Cameron/Dudley Moore movie (which Everything is Terrible made a great mashup out of, Left Behind Like Son).

Kevin Spacey clearly lost a bet, right?

The Secret Life of Pets 2: The Korean Adventure

Seriously, does every parent have an obligation to bring their kids to every goddamn animated movie? You can really smell a bad one from a mile away.

It always bothered me how Nermal is a male cat and at the same time he clearly has a female voice in the cartoon.

That photo reminds me an awful lot of that rumor that Alex Rodriguez has a picture of himself as a centaur somewhere on the walls of his house. I don't think we've ever seen the actual painting though but I bet he must have spent a lot on it…because who in the hell would want to do that for free?

At least he has dignity, something the Burger King Kids Club Kids never had.

There are like four ingredients used at Taco Bell. Beans, cheese sauce, beef and lettuce shreds. If you can't have one of the four then what can you do?


Someone tell Neil Hamburger, he binge retweets lots of messages about people getting sick at Taco Bell every month.

So I saw a commercial for Sausage Party on PTI the other day and they had a massive warning at the start of the ad that it was rated R and at the end even went orally through all those MPAA explanations for why it is rated R.

Bernouts essentially refuse to accept the fact that their candidate did not win. Hell, I voted for Bernie in the NC primary but that does not mean I am going to throw my vote away in November by voting Trump or so other fringe candidate.

Normally I would be appreciative of having multiple viewpoints expressed on a website including ones that are opposite of what I think. But you are not adding anything with your name calling or empty threats.