It's not Schumer's area of strength, so you only see a shallow level of understanding. In her show she's utterly fluent in the subtleties of failed relationships and sexual harrassment, and is both funny and insightful when she's in her wheelhouse. The political culture wars are far broader and require a familiarity…
Sure, but maybe ResidentSmartass should slow his roll before stabbing people with broken bottles.
It's the kind of response that comes from the desire to dehumanize the opponent, reducing them to a level of simplicity that a person would never ascribe to themself.
Sure, Pavlichenko killed hundreds, but Churchill killed millions. And they were allies, so they never even saw it coming!
The great comfort of an action movie is that all morality is black-and-white and the good guys and the bad guys are pre-ordained.
What if the guy was drunk because he'd buried his own daughter the previous week?
I want to see a Funny Or Die short where someone wakes up from a coma and the first people they see are Chris Gethard, Jay Leno, and Adam Driver. They assume they've slept through a nuclear apocalyse and everyone is horribly mutated.
I find leekspin (Levan Polka) extremely relaxing, so I listen to it before anything stressful.
[AKA European history prior to 1940]
'Clackers', like many near-homonyms, is incorrect.
At least Lisa gets something out of it.
Now I'm waiting for her hot take on Smashmouth
Faye Dunaway was sexier in her single scene as a therapist than Russo was in the whole film.
Skeet Ulrich should have OD'd in the 90s, surely?
It doesn't make sense that he's still around. This, more than anything Trump-related, shows that we've fucked up our timeline somehow.
"That's it, Adam. I'm moving your g-spot up your ass."
I GOT myself a brand noo pair a BOOTS
Is the badness of Blevins a joke by Patton Oswalt?
He used to write awful movie treatments under the 'Erik Blevins' nom de plume, but they were obvious parodies. This Blevins is subtle — it just comes across as dull and empty.
What if it's not a joke, but someone trying their best? Then the joke would be on us.
I feel the same way about Rob Lowe, AKA the male Kristen Bell.
I'm not sure that someone who became a multimillionaire by being beautiful is the best person to deliver this message.
Australian John Safran has the most aggressive rising inflection I have ever heard. It doesn't wait until the end of the sentence, but surfaces at random intervals like a worm-creature from Tremors.