Well-Pounded Vag

His greatest fear: being relegated to The New Yorker's 'Briefly Noted' section.

It's what angry mobs wielded before Twitter

So when she wrote "He was like, "That’s a marshmallow. That’s a child. That’s a dog." " she wasn't quoting him, she was quoting her own internal dialog of what she thought he was thinking?

And well-spoken. A credit to their race. College grads. Not hipping and hopping. They tuck in their damn shirts. Born here. Real America. They know the price of a gallon of milk.

MATN shows how video game playthroughs should be done: as illumination for the fellow-traveller rather than as shrill vehicles that largely serve the creator's ego. MATN videos are novel, thoughtful, and interesting, with real care taken to edit out dull or repetitive parts and focus on aspects that are of interest to

I didn't watch many Brady Bunch episodes but if that image is any indication they were the first show to feature a couple with both permissable lesbian hairstyles.

That dude on the cover of Fresh Romance looks like the guy from LA who got over a hundred plastic surgery procedures done.

I have all the EPUB versions if you'd like them. I find that even when you own the physical copies, it's good to be able to do a search.

Not essential — there's some recapping in the later volumes to help out new readers — but I really enjoyed how the story built over time, so I'd highly recommend reading them in order. It's likely that your library has them all.
If I'd just read the fourth book I might feel a bit shortchanged, because book four ends

Just finished The Years Of Lyndon B. Johnson (well, the four volumes that have been written so far) by Robert Caro, and I'm not sure I'll ever read anything so good again.
The third book (Master of the Senate) won a Pulitzer and is a must-read for anyone curious about why and how political obstruction occurs, and how

If only his career had stopped at 'failed blimp enthusiast' and he spent his free time doing Fat Bastard cosplay.

It's a great role. You watch that scene and you could imagine Paul Newman (circa Cool Hand Luke) playing it, or Ben Affleck playing it today, stuttering it out, a cursed guy with frustrated ambitions.

It was made just at the cusp of that stuff becoming unacceptable. Five years later they would have left it out.

I tried to get through Breakfast At Tiffany's last month but the crushing emotional weight of their lives as helpless prostitutes made it too hard.

The older I get, the more Mann protagonists seem like guys who know better but don't do better.

Hilary Clinton is extremely unpopular, but she's probably still going to win.

When the Red Scare was at its height in the 1950s with Joe McCarthy going after anyone he could, you could see the casual power of a mob with an emotive issue they felt was unassailable, and an accusation became a defacto sentence.
This is a parallel to how men who share Metzger's position feel — that people like

Edgar is such a Ross

I love it when people force me to listen to loud noises in unavoidable settings.
That's why every time I win a scratch-off lottery ticket I use the money to hire someone to shout in my ear "REMEMBER, SOMEDAY YOU WILL DIE."

Because he's a rascal.