
That scene would have been better if he still had the bucket on his head.

What I love best about Henry's mother is that her son has gone completely gray, and she never will. Reminds me of my grandma.

I dunno. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, or projecting, but when I finally got the news that my cancer was 100% gone, I did feel a sort of… not really let-down, but I had so thoroughly prepared myself for the worst that I didn't really know how to process what should have been good news. I was all, "OK, I no

Or his wife, for that matter.

The B side of "Heinz is on My Side" is a Merseybeat arrangement of "Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit."

Sally  didn't finish her sundae because it was almost time for The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and she wanted to look her best for Ilya.

Maybe he had something personal a against him instead of something political.

I predict Phi Phi will make it to the top 3, because that's how these shows work. They want somebody the others don't get on with, so there will be interpersonal conflict until the end. If Chad, Sharon, and Latrice were the top 3, they'd be all supportive and friendly backstage, and that's the last thing the producers

Pete wanted to stay in the city, but Trudy wanted to move.

I don't think one open-handed slap in the run of the show qualifies as "punching bag" territory.

People tend to be extra-judgey of mothers. If they don't fit the current idea of a perfect mother, they must be loathesome and evil, and everything they do gets seen through that filter.

Maybe a Baked Bean Massacre?

I've been wondering about that myself.

Sally will be racing home after school to catch Dark Shadows on TV.

Plus, we need follow-up on that letter.

"And Raja seems so out there in terms of her drag that I find the idea of her being chosen to win outright a little odd"

I was actually more annoyed with Delta after she left, because it became clear just how much of the Heathers nonsense was fueled by her. As obnoxious as I found Raja, she was a lot easier to take after Delta was gone.

I don't think any of them had much chance of not sucking. The premise was so poorly laid out, I don't blame them for not knowing what to do with it. If I'd been given the assignment, I would have assumed it was a comedy/parody challenege, and been thrown for a loop when Killjoy Dan pooped all over it.

My money's on Kenya.

Yeah, I felt the same way - the other girls were incredibly hard on her, and that's bound to bring out the worst in people.