
Yeah, I was seriously worried for Latrice because Dida's last lip sync was that good.

Yeah, if you're going to go the offensive route, it's got to be so damn funny that people will laugh even if they hate themselves for it.

PhiPhi may be an unpleasant human being, and her main challenge sucked, but I totally agreed with her winning the shoe challenge with the Carmen Miranda look.

Yeah, I'm not sure if Don has gotten over his whole Madonna/whore complex or of it's going to blow up in his face at some point.

As long as he does it in a filmy night gown like Betty and the pigeons.

I honestly never found Sally that relatable. I have to confess that I wouldn't know what to do with her if I was her parent, either.

I think Jane is not-so-patiently waiting for the next heart attack.

I think viewers dislike Betty because she's not a touchy-feely 21st-century-style make-the-kids-feel-good-at-any-cost Mommy.

Not with a white rug and a new sofa, anyway.

Alex read more small-time mobster than pimp to me.

I'm really getting to like Stan.

I remember Clara from the Pond's focus group.

"I've got a ticket to the bean ballet, and the curtain's about to go up!"

Her LSFYL was one of the best I've seen in four seasons of the show.

I've had "Jesus is a Biscuit" going through my head all day. I think Latrice needs to record it as a single.

Yeah, and Willam was totally getting the sympathy edit this week.

I agreee. It's a Vanessa Williams Moment. Suzette who?

Well, drugs would explain Willam's lack of affect.

I disagreed with Ru on that - they totally should have gone for the Tiny Tim/Johnny Rotten thing they were doing. It would have been HILARIOUS.

What always gets me is that the queens who know they can't sing try to sing instead of just putting the song over by speaking the words.