
"am a little suspicious of people who enjoy its detached style" presumes that it HAS a detached style. I enjoy it's style, but would not characterize is as "detached."

The florist looked like an effeminate version of Nick Knight.

I felt the same way about Chevy Chase when I first started watching the show, but the character has grown on me.

Hell, having a department store mannequin replace Santino would be a boon to the show.

I think I wouldn't have gone for two pussy jokes in a row.

Shangela looks like one of the Fly Girls in that outfit.

I don't think the show would be boring without Willam. Plenty of this year's group, including ones who've sashayed by now, were at least as entertaining. Willam has one note. One schtick. One facial expression. It's getting old and tired.

Yeah, I don't have bad feelings about PhiPhi, either.  Yes, she gave Jiggly a bum steer, but other queens were giving her the opposite advice, and in the end it was Jiggly's choice which advice to listen to.

Yeah, but there's a huge difference between drag and fashion.

Seeing the Absolut drinks in the lounge always makes me thirsty.

Yeah, I think that was probably the all-around worst LSFYL of all four seasons.

Exactly! The background made it look like a gardening magazine. I don't know if Chad chose it herself or not. She did say that her concept was "cougar," so I'm assuming whoever chose it meant for her to look like a jungle cat, but it just. did. not. work.

She was counting on flashing her junk to be a distraction from the boring performance.

Exactly! Even his best outfits are off the rack!

IMO, personality makes up about 50% of a good drag. Nobody's going to pay to go to a drag show just to see someone stand around and look beautiful.

Willam disturbs me more than he entertains me. I'm starting to think he's not quite right in the head. Not even the best actor in the world could keep up those dead, blank eyes and total lack of affect for such long stretches of time. There's deadpan and then there's just… dead.

Santino seems to think he's judging Project Runway instead of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Yeah, Tyra was a lot easier to take the second time around.

Well, IMO she did well in those chalenges based solely on the quality of her costumes. Put her in one of the other girls' outfits and I can't imagine her getting any praise for the performances. But that's a subjective thing, and YMMV.

I don't know if she necessarily needs to sew, but I'd like to see her wear more things that look one-of-a-kind. That was a great coat, but anyone with the money could go the the right shop and pick one up off the rail.