
I'm getting a bit tired of the whole "Britta is a complete mess who sucks at every single thing" thing. 

And Scott Thompson's Buddy Cole would be their silent partner; Charlie to their Angels.

I was convinced Latrice was going to win.

That white skirt in particular was fitted BADLY. It kept riding up when she walked.

The comfoting thing is that Latrice will no doubt get a LOT of work out of this.

I was ecpecting Phi Phi to make it to the top 3 for that reason, but I was expecting Chand and not Latrice to be eliminated this week.

That was bugging me, too!

Alexis Mateo made it to the top three last season. Then again, she'd been living in the States for years, so she had more experience with English.

I dunno; I remember a lot of friction between Raven and Tatianna right up to the end. And although the Hather/Booger thing had mostly died down before last season's finale, it was still there in the subtext. There wasn't much warmth between Alexis and the other two.

"But I think he was asking, 'Why not settle for equal legal rights,
instead of insisting on the word 'marriage,' when it offends so many

When she first entered, she looked like the lost Jackson sister.

Latrice was SO not amused at the Tyler Perry comment.

I found myself wondering if maybe there was a language issue there.

Yes! I was saying the exact same thing!

My money is definitely on Latrice.

Their house is totally Collinwood from Dark Shadows. Betty even looked
like she was wearing one of Joan Bennett's old floral chiffon housecoats.


She's already dating a nice Jewish boy.

Not to mention the fact that the doctor did actually find a growth on her thyroid. Even if it's not cancerous, it's still a problem.

We've already had Sally Hates Betty; I'm betting on Sally Hates Megan this time.