
"Kelly's observation that Sharon and Chad have what the other needs was both astute and saddening."

It looked like a flipping essay up there! I swear she must have used up two whole lipsticks writing it,

Yeah - I'm getting the impression that coasting through the first few weeks, while the obvious eliminations were going on, and then stepping it up, was a deliberate strategy for her.

I also loved when the guest judge was announced, and Sharon pre-emptively said, "How many times have you worked with her, Willam?"

That was epic. Dida rocks.

I wonder if they do it because they feel like the wig is slipping and would rather take it off than have it fall off.

I dunno, I thought Phi Phi deserved the win more than Willam this week. Her float was both polished and inspirational, and her drag was sickening, She looked like a sci-fi action figure! Sure, Willam's got some nice designer clothes, but they're clearly off the rack. Phi Phi's looked like a custom-made original.

Charo would be fun. I'm kind of surprised none of the Latina queens have done her.

I think my favorite moment was when I realized Latrice was hanging around the Gold Bar with her dress off!

Dida's got a lot going for her. She may not be the best costumer, but she's been able to perform the hell out of any material they've given her. I  don't think she will, but I wouldn't feel cheated if she made it further than some of the older, more polished queens.

I think she already knows it, and that's why she lets Sharon get under her skin.

She was kind of all Urkel in lipstick last night.

Also, The Snatch Game needs to be spun off into its own show.

I'm no Wharton grad myself, but I believe there are several different kinds of "selling shit." Selling your own used personal items is a different ball game from retail, which is different from the stock exchange, etc.

I can maybe see an "Asians are dorky" stereotype, but I've honestly never heard of a "Russians are sex-crazed" stereotype.

The cash-for-gold thing didn't bother me so much. Caroline has never had to sell anything, and Max has never had anything worth selling, so I can overlook their not knowing how to go about it.

From the King interview: "Anyone who's ever lived in New York has walked through an enormous
melting pot of people. So for me, to do a show where you're not
exploring race would be absurd in Brooklyn, N.Y.,"

If AMC doesn't pick up "The Adventures of Michael Chang, Sr." for a midseason replacement series, I will know that the world is nothing but a yawning chasm of injustice.

Christian Siriano?

Maybe not infants, but I definitely have seen mothers obsess over  the weight of their toddler daughters, as young as a year old. They've exaggerated it for the show, but it has a basis in reality.