Master Plaster Blaster Caster

Marry the movie if you love it so damn much. Have a nice honeymoon, you silly fucking bastard.

Full blown Sherl-on-Wats sodomy in the Director's Cut, Lexicon. The rumored ATM shot was cut, however.

"I'll take it out…on their SKULL!"

Saw the remake of The Crazies and, while I haven't seen the original and this one wasn't spectacularly scary, it was pretty effective.

May you all be raped by Andorians and get the space AIDS.

A fuckton is approximately four cubic fuckloads.

No, the best thing about R.E.M. are all of the albums before the albums you're talking about.

While a Rapearia sounds like a delicious smorgasbord of sexual assault.

Can we steer this back into how much we hate Gwyneth Paltrow already?

Maple Syrup Urine Disease, Balloon Balls, Soupskin, Coughing Rectum, Dangle Warts and Rapeworm.

Senator, you may be an insufferable douchebag, but you're one hell of an internet psychiatrist. Kudos, fucko.

More sophisticated than Vaal? Hah!

Unfortunately, the shows that don't do a reset often enough usually sacrifice great characters for plot twists and surprises. See: Battlestar Galactica.

Senator Dipshit…who the fuck goes to her website? I read her annoying tidbits of wisdom the same place you do: here. I don't actively seek her shit out, but I'll be damned if I can avoid it. Not one person here is asking: "Who's Gwyneth Paltrow and why does she have a kid named Apple?" Anyone who doesn't live in a

Yeah, well…tell that to her good friend William Fucking Joel.

Fuck Bangs. Seriously, who gives a shit what he liked? Dude trashed Sabbath's first four albums. Now, of course, Rolling Stone declares them some of the best albums of all time. Thanks, critics…as if you need to tell us.

Why is Alice Cooper love inciting MC5 hate? Can't we like both? Even if 'Kick Out The Jams' doesn't have the songs, there's never been a live album with that much fucking energy. Also, fuck you…'High Time' is great.

Thank you. Someone who has actually read and understood Elric. I mean, it's not even a matter of interpretation or opinion…that's just the basic personality of the Elric character in 6+ novels. Heller, how the fuck did you not get that?

Now you know why you instinctively scream "Never get off the goddamn boat!" every time you come.

I just want that gun that shoots the fucking net. Net gun!