Master Plaster Blaster Caster

Thor and Captain America are starting to look pretty decent, Iron Man is solid, and the last Hulk movie was not too bad. The Avengers should be fine, if they go The Ultimates route.

Enemy at the Gates was about the Battle of Stalingrad.

The Association are like The Bee Gees. You can't help but like them, and can't help but loathe yourself for doing so.

You could absolutely argue with '66, by replacing it with '67.

"I didn't surrender, but they took my horse and made him surrender. They have him pulling a wagon up in Kansas I bet."

At least no one in school calls her a little piece of chicken.

Wolfman, never give your best ideas to the internet. This'll learn ya. I've already got three guys in the garage knocking together a multi-part suite depicting the epic battle between John Henry and Bigfoot.

Nice, and a bit shocking, to see so much Last of the Mohicans love here. Where's the negativity, people? Are the holidays softening you up?

"I was then taken east, in a cage. I was taken to Toronto. Then Philadelphia. And then to New York. And each time I arrived at another city, somehow the white men had moved all their people there ahead of me. Each new city contained the same white people as the last, and I could not understand how a whole city of

I know everyone has different tastes, but the fact that Dancing With the Stars and The Real Housewives of Everywhere Except Fucking Compton continue to soldier on while Terriers goes under makes me want to hit the seat eject button on my little ride with the goddamn human species.

Orlok is dead on. The problem with the genre is a reliance on production and attitude rather than talent. Rapping over often ridiculously simplistic and/or sampled music is no substitute for actual composition. I'm not saying the genre doesn't have hope, but as long as the background music itself is as dull as the

Prog can be kind of like Kanye if hip-hop wasn't made exclusively by non-musicians.

No album that can't create all of it's own music gets a 10…not that I give a fuck what a bunch of opinionated assholes think, anyway. Sampling King Crimson…fuck you, Kanye. Leave the decent music alone and keep creating your horseshit for the mindless lemmings to lap up. Black Beatle, my ass. Let's see what 20 years

It's like a wonderful practical joke on the female sex: Screech is straight and Slater is totally gay.

Kind of dull..what the…suppressing nerd rage. Will…not…Hulk…out.

Great instrumental soundtracks:

Every day is another spiritual journey to death, Miller. Neil knew it and now you do, too.

I'm with Leonard on the Conan soundtrack. One of the greatest ever. I pop it in when I get stuck in Beltway traffic and imagine myself thieving and reaving and treading the jeweled thrones of DC under my sandaled feet.

Again with the Dune. Go take a melange shot with your Fremen buddies on top of a sandworm, Mr. Moon Mouse Shadow.

I'll tell you in a minute, Flaubert…but first I'm going to let you know what book to start reading, where to take your next vacation, what color shirt to wear tomorrow, what to have for dinner tonight, and what sexual position you should try with the hooker of my choice. Get something to write this down.