Master Plaster Blaster Caster

I like The Matrix, but that statement should read:

2010 is a pretty good film that just lacks a little of Kubrick's artistic touches. Nevertheless, it's still pretty solid…and Keir Dullea returning as Space Baby Bowman is pretty sweet. If anything, I guess you could fault it for explaining too much, but that's not much of a criticism.

I agree, but Apocalypse isn't one of those films I can put on and watch over and over. It's brilliant, but I'm not always in the mood to take that long, dark odyssey.

The Big Lebowski gets better with every viewing.

Saw it the first time when I was 11 and loved it. Granted, besides Star Wars, most science fiction in the 70s (Outland, Alien, et al) was slower and more thought provoking…so the tone and pace didn't throw me. Watching it again after I read Clarke's book helped me understand it more (ditto The Shining), but I think

For everyone.

Unless there's a superhero called Titless I say we leave Milla out of the casting pool.

I'll be the resident nerd. It was Spider-Woman, who had no link to Peter Parker, and whose superpowers included the ability to make men insanely horny. Not making that up.

ZMF, Neeson has been playing the same swordfighting badass since Excalibur and Krull. That's what we need him for.

The only things I disliked about The Watchmen motion comic was (a) one guy does all the voices, even the ladies, which is strange, and (b) they cut significant segments of the original comic out. In a 2-hour film, this is understandable, but a motion comic should not edit the original material.

Kingdom of Heaven is more than a reasonable film, and the Director's Cut is pretty amazing. You can actually measure your level of raw douche by how much you can't admit that Orlando Bloom puts in a pretty decent performance.

You're all rejects!

That first dude is pretty set, but by the third link someone's definitely getting someone's shit reshitted, and there's no way that's any kind of good.

All of this sounds perfect to me.

He, sadly, cannot play Superman. Come on. As soon as he catches a view of himself in the studio mirror suited up with the big S he's just going to start weeping uncontrollably.

Thanks for turning the Man of Steel into a jack-booted SS officer, Nietzsche. Sure, Batman's cooler, but Jorge's right about those titles. Great Superman comics and films get it right…he's the mythological archetype of a hero that sacrifices all. Prometheus, Christ, whatever. Batman goes after the bad guys in a kind

Danny DeVito as Mister Mxyzptlk. Paul Reubens as Toyman. There's your fuckin' film. Enjoy, you jackals.

You'd feel the same way if your family was attacked by hooligans, and by hooligans I mean a very rapey Jeff Goldblum.

Gypsy curse dispelled!

Attic dwellers can be quite interesting. Like here, for example: