Master Plaster Blaster Caster

No, dude. That has singing. Gangs that sing. Think the Baseball Furies ever sang their way through a goddamn fight?


Thus, Howard the Duck was born.

"I don't follow any of the licensed properties of the Star Wars Universe, but does Lucas ever contradict any of that stuff?"

No, he's real. Love, however, is a bunch of bullshit.

Dude. Santa Claus is totally not real. Sorry.

Speak for yourself, Tristiac. Nerdforce One will not comply. Now let go of my wookiee and get the fuck out of my cantina.

Not to mention evidence of a clone orgy, Chartex.

Is Caine stating that his character never appears in the dream, or something far more awesome?

Big Knife: see "Whatever Gets You Thru the Night."

The Swayze never watches helplessly.

No one is saying the film sucks because it is about Facebook. Please try a little reading comprehension. We're saying it's hard to generate interest with such an anemic topic. Yeah, I know that is not all the film is about blah dee blah, and I know Fincher's pretty reliable as a director, but one has to discriminate

See "of Mice and Men" or "True West".

Lovecraft, self-identified lesbians who sleep with dudes are called bisexuals, regardless of what they call themselves.

I think Dazed and Confused and maybe Babe, I'm Gonna Leave you were the blatant thefts. Granted, the originals weren't half as interesting without Zep's musical touches, but nonetheless bad form, guys.

I agree. As much as I love Fincher and would probably enjoy the film, I have zero impetus to actually go out and see it. I could give two shits about Facebook, much less the incredibly fascinating way it was started. Am I smelling a MySpace prequel?

I love the tools that regurgitate critic soundbites as if they were original thoughts. Yeah, District 9 has absolutely nothing else to offer besides a criticism of Apartheid. It's not as if it was an incredibly well-crafted piece of action entertainment as well.

I understand, wrecks, but the lyrics and what little melody Plant borrowed were not what made those songs great. Should they have been acknowledged? Absolutely. However…Plant should have just written his own lyrics, because the riffs and rhythm section of those songs were what defined them, and that was 100% Zep.

You do understand most of those blues guys didn't write those songs either, right? A vast majority of blues tunes have been kicked around and recycled in gin joints all over the south from the beginning of last century. Sure, Zep "borrowed" a few tunes without acknowledgment, but that was a small percentage of their

"And part of the backlash is because of all that Jim Morrison was a Great American Poet talk of a generation ago. He wasn't. He was a charismatic pretty boy who did himself a huge favor by dying young."