Master Plaster Blaster Caster

Music critics, for some reason, generally blow more than other art critics, but for the most part they all fucking blow. They're just people with opinions, with perhaps a bit more exposure which may or may not color those opinions.

Moon and Bonham both hit the heads like they were trying to smash their neighbor's pumpkins, but Moon plays his drums like a lead instrument, while Bonham is mostly complementing the other band members. Mitch Mitchell also played lead like Moon, but he hit his heads lighter like a jazz drummer.

No one puts the Doors and Zeppelin in the same category, so accusations of them being overrated is absurd. The Doors are exactly where they should be…a good 60's band with a couple of great albums, who did dark really well at a time when the only other band doing it was the Velvets.

I'll recommend Brave and the Bold, even if Jorge doesn't. It great to watch with the kids, but it's a good bit of fun, too. It kind of complements TAS and JLU in that it doesn't overly feature characters from those series, and highlights Batman's adventures with lesser known guys…Plastic Man, Blue Beetle, Speedy, Red

I agree with all of you, but for me Batman TAS, Superman TAS and JLU are all just one long great series filled with awesomeness.

I can't speak for SCA, but the group I belonged to had quite a few people who could handle a weapon. Also, I'm not sure I would call a good bit of the martial arts "reality-based training."

I didn't say me, Cheesedick, I said the average college-aged and slightly older member of that group. There's a division that dress as Roman soldiers who look like Marines, and will hand you your ass if you ask nicely.

Well, since 1 drachma=1 sp, and 1ep=5sp, then 50,000 drachmas = 10,000 electrum pieces.

I've been in and out of Dagorhir for years, Darth Weevil, which is a lot like the SCA. Not only are the majority of those guys fairly normal (and interesting), but most of them could kick the shit out of you. Good for mind and body, there's nothing more exhausting, invigorating or therapeutic than getting together

Hatin, I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that I knew all of that before you posted it.

"I'm pretty sure the mainstream doesn't care about "gamers" unless it's to confirm how sad, pathetic, and maladjusted they are."

How many electrum pieces in a drachma?

RPGs also are, you know, a little more interesting than the real world. I'd take dungeon crawling as a profession over cubicle squatting any day

Grow the fuck up and get a real hobby like fantasy football? Is that the kind of growing up we nerds need?

As someone who has gamed and participated in a LARP-like pastime (it was more like Darkon, actually…light on roleplay and heavy on beating each other silly with faux weapons), I find two types of personalities seem to be attracted to this activity. The first is the type genuinely interested in the game for the fun and

IG-88, Dengar, Zuckuss, 4-LOM and Bossk.

Hear, hear. I used to play as a kid all the time, and while I hardly have time for it now, my brother and I still get the old crew together occasionally to kill some goblins. Hey, they breed like rabbits. Who the hell else is going to keep their population down?

All twitter-twits think they're that popular. Why else would they be giving you the blow-by-blow of the grand adventure that is eating a breakfast burrito, or watering the plants?

Now I'd like to learn more about Chekov's model train collection.

Welcome to the head museum. I'm Leonard Nimoy.