Master Plaster Blaster Caster

Not very courteous, Jorge. Not very goddamn courteous at all.

From Robin Hood to hockey. I'll bring it full circle.

You could narrate a National Geographic special on the habits of the free roaming Savannah hater.

I thought we had collectively agreed that, sight unseen, the worst comedy in the history of everything was the Jerry Lewis holocaust clown picture. No?

Agreed about Hearts and Bones, but in my opinion Rhythm of The Saints has the same problem Graceland does: lack of solid songwriting. Simon seems to rely a bit too much on the incorporation of World Music, and it makes for a pleasant sounding album of background music…but this is the guy who wrote The Boxer. You get a

Not in agreement, Jagoff.

Warren, don't stop with one Bread song, for chrissakes. If, Diary, Make It With You, Guitar Man, Baby I'm-a Want You, Sweet Surrender, It Don't Matter To Me…

Swap out "sing" with "pick my nose" and I'm totally vibing with Some Kind of Munster.

I don't know…I always liked Lore.

Let him do all of these sequels.

I agree to a certain extent, TMSP, but I don't think his targeting of Pallantine was quite so well-intentioned. He's definitely made some kind of unhealthy psychological connection between the politician and the woman who just rejected him. Bickle is feeling like society has no room for him. He watches the world drift


So chimps in the future are monogamous?

The doctor is correct. Bickle is a hero or a villain depending on one's perspective. It's mere circumstance (if he survived at all) that Bickle comes out smelling like roses. If he had shot Pallantine, he would be another John Hinckley. It's also pretty clear in that last shot that not all is right with Bickle as he

Evil Dennis Hopper starring in: Blue Velvet
Evil Dennis Hopper starring in: River's Edge
Evil Dennis Hopper starring in: Waterworld

I could have sworn Stacy was talking about Demolition Man for a second there. Leary certainly loves running those criminal underworlds, doesn't he?

Taxi Driver is a pretty good one, but if we're mining Scorcese's oeuvre I would choose After Hours. In the latter, the city seems more of a real menace to the hapless protagonist whilst in the former it's difficult to gauge how much of the menace is real as Bickle is certainly an unrealiable narrator…and when he does

Pardon the vitriol. I love me some Avengers, even if the older comics were campy as hell. The new Iron Man and Hulk movies have been promising, and a good Captain America film would be nice to see…but all the guys at once? Would it work? Don't know. It worked for the X-Men.

I would argue The Incredible Hulk was pretty decent, and Thor has undergone some changes since the "tights" days. Why do people who know fuck-all about comics insist on commenting about comics and comic-related movies?

The treasure was knowledge, you dope.