Master Plaster Blaster Caster

Jesus, haven't you assholes even seen that movie? This happens. You either lose a limb, go to jail or end up on one of two potential business ends of a double-headed dildo.

7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (1974)
Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)

I haven't read bucketloads of Millar, but The Ultimates was pretty outstanding.

The six-part Iron Man "Extremis" story is pretty outstanding, but there's not much writing there, and it's awesomeness is probably due in large part to Adi Granov's art.

"And the demon shall bear a nine bladed sword. Nine bladed! Not two, or five,
or seven- but NINE!"

NISUS: Next. Crucifixion?

Host: Have you written any of your recent works in this shed of yours?

Also funny because he's insanely hammered in most of his scenes.

*hit in head with rubber chicken via armored knight*

Are you a yes man?

I have to disagree with the author about the 3rd season, which I think is just as strong as the first two. Scott of the Antarctic? Njorl's Saga?

"Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern -schplenden -schlitter -crasscrenbon -fried -digger -dangle -dungle -burstein -von -knacker -thrasher -apple -banger -horowitz -ticolensic -grander -knotty -spelltinkle -grandlich -grumblemeyer -spelterwasser -kurstlich -himbleeisen -bahnwagen -gutenabend -bitte -eine -nurnburger

Jim, that's actually the second part concluding "The Death of Mary, Queen of Scots." Part One is:

Prisons and hairdressing surprisingly have a lot in common, mainly involving a truckload of ass-related hi-jinks.

You know, I used to think Futurechimp was just another dumb monkey, but then I got to thinking…just how far from the future has that wacky ape traveled?

The problem with the film is in the title. It's compelling film making, but it's implying with slight hysteria that this what all kids are really up to, and the future is bleak, bleak, bleak. The film should instead be called "The Fucked Up Kids Who Hang Out In Washington Square."

Obligatory list of notable gangs in The Warriors, besides The Warriors:

…and for five minutes Night Ranger was awesome again.

I see someone didn't spend half their pre-teen years dumping every quarter they could scrounge into Dragon's Lair.

Tron taught me I needed a killer lightcycle and a derezzing frisbee. End of line.