Rocket Richard

I think "Pack up the Plantation" is a fine live album as well. With the added benefit of being recorded before Petty started to suck.

The thing is no one else would team up with him. He's pretty damn insecure and self-centred (hence the robot girlfriend) and would risk being the side-kick in any other group. It would burn his ass to have to take orders.

Senor Bag,


Well, Acoustician has some good points, but I`m not really sure how well developed they are.

Glee originally appealed to me as a self-aware, pastiche of after-school specials, musicals and soap operas. It danced insanely over the line of tasteful wit. I thought I was watching a camp classic.

I doubt Daniel Day Lewis has been offered a sequel. Where would it come from? The Unbearable Lightness of Being II: Lighter and Lighter? The Return of the Mohicans? Gangs of New York Follies? (That would be the touring production.) There Will be More Blood?

Oh I dunno. I think that if there was ever an authority on the qualities of "whiteness" in music, Garfunkle would be the one.

The only musical act that SNL introduced me to was Blues Traveller. John Popper was playing harmonica like it was a Fender Strat.

Just reading too many articles at once. I'm probably more aware of the rapper than the vast majority of Herzog fans, to be honest.

Hey Don't be so Dumb, I don't take part in the conventionalized hating on firsties (misused here, so doubly annoying) but there is a long tradition of that sort of thing here. It's just one of the things that makes this place a bit, you know, stupid in its own unique way.

"50 cent-like" would be fifty words that appear to be (but aren't) worth one cent each.

Come, come you have to work on your similies. Her voice is not sharp or shrill, so stabbed is the wrong comparison. I could see if you felt seasick from the crests and valleys, or… wait, you were just trolling then moving on.

Rufus Wainright's California is, hmmn not bittersweet. Maybe ambivalent is a better word.

I completely get the "icy" tone. Only someone from Winnipeg could conjure that tone — one where you are staying inside where it"s warm because you might die if you go outside, even though the sun is shining brilliantly off the snow.

This makes me far happier than it has any right to.

Wait a minute, I thought I liked Gielgud. That's one hell of a Freudian slip.

Wait a minute, Guildud was naked in Prospero's Books. Peter Greenaway once again brings us full circle.

To what does it portent, Mr. Grey Man?

Well, your contribution is a refreshing change from all of the "which guy does she resemble posts". At least you come at it slant.