Rocket Richard

I think that The Arcade Fire falls into the U2 camp, actually.

Well, "Red" and "Blue" stand for different ends of the ideological spectrum here than in the USA so given that the Liberals are still in Queen's Park it is rather red.

Yeah, he still plays bars around here (Ottawa) on occassion and he is always worth seeing. I'm not sure if it has ever happened, but I would love to see a Sneezy Waters, Lucky Ron country duel down at the Chateau Lafayette as filmed by Bruce McDonald.

Best Hank Williams for my money…
…was Sneezy Waters in Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave. The movie version is pretty good, but the live show roared and whined in all the right places.

… sought to define Canadaness through Bach and his poor shivering soul.

I don't think that it is controversial. The '5os version is technically superior (in the traditional sense of technique) the '81 version is a house of many, many rooms.

You know, after hearing Oldham's version of the song, I would agree that the Verve really only made lyrics and a few bridging bits. If a commercial doesn't use the lyrics, I have no problems with the Verve not being paid.

Okay, how's this. You suck about as much as the rest of us, but post more than is necessary. Unless the whole point is to feed a desperate need for attention, in which case you suck more than most of us.

Not much of a debacle. Alan Cross played Oldham's muzak version of "The Last Time" intercut with Bittersweet Symphony. It is an obvious rip-off job.

Some things are worth owning, my friend.

No justice in the world
There is a small empty space in my soul, that is made incrementally larger whenever crap like this is re-released and I still can't get a copy of Tom Waits' "Big Time" on DVD or Blu Ray.

I`m going to throw Chaucer onto the pile of artists who provoked extreme reactions at the time. Sure, John of Ghent patronized him for his flattering dream poem, but his unfinished masterpiece has enough ass-kissing, face-farting, women-acting-improperly, churchmen acting even more improperly, to offend pretty much

Hey Bela, I read English and History as an undergraduate then did a Master's in Library and Informatino Science. Almost all of my cohort have jobs in the field, but the field is a bit broader than most think.

Drag is one thing. Lace panties are a step beyond. The men in the audience wearing lace panties, is beyond the pale.

Actually, I think that it was Stan Rogers (who sang back-up on those Raffi albums) scheme to ensure that Penner, as well as Sharon, Lois and Bram would be powerless until he and Raffi could perfect the Bananaphone.

His produced Raffi's best albums.

Tim C — How many other directors have "James Cameron-level commercial successes"?

Book-nerd slap fights are never pretty, although rarely bloody. I'm a librarian, I see it all the time.

I think that Black Bolt wins the gimmick-poster crown on the grounds of brevity. Soul of wit, and all that.

Is Julie Andrews' Maria a manic pixie dreamgirl?