Rocket Richard

Nabin might have mentioned her duet with Roy Orbison on Crying. Didn't that make Nashville accept her, so she could leave country on her own terms? Or maybe, I'm remembering the chronology wrong.

Many Canadian kids were introduced to lang by this song. It was a pretty big hit here (the up-side of Canadian content regulations on the radio!) and she punked the Juno awards by accepting her hardware in a wedding dress.

Actually, I'm at a point in my life where I'm starting to realize that anyone famous who seems eccentric/crazy has likely made a conscious effort to build that myth to some degree or another. Or is awaiting trial. Whatever.

Shada, wouldn't that be a decade and a day? I'm no math-guy or anything, so I could be wrong.

Back to the original comment: Perhaps Disney bought Marvel just to bury Miracleman forever. You know, to save the kids.

Wow. I thought that this would turn up in "The New Cult Canon" sooner or later. My friends and I still quote from it regularly — and we saw it in the theatre when it was first released. Granted we were 16 at the time.

That's surprisingly dignified.

I like comics, but am too old/busy to be in the loop. Glad this column is here. I wanna read a book that has cultural touchstones that move me first hand. It isn't like Beaton gets the same kind of coverage in the Globe and Mail that Seth does, or even Chester Brown.

My wife did the whole attachment parenting thing. I just had to figure out the best way to bond with my kids on my (and their) terms. It isn't rocket science, it just takes a bit of thought. Blaming your partner sort of gets in the way of thinking about how you are going to solve the problem.

Good third movies? How about Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger. I loved that when I was 10. Maybe you have to be ten, though.

Maybe Rose and Bernard are finishing the church.

I like it. But it just makes me sad that Johnny Cash is dead because he would have added a dash of world-weariness and a ladle of dread. That would have been perfect.

The horse's mouth wasn't good enough?
So you linked to a YouTube clip of a clip that resides on your sister site? Way to siphon those clicks away.

@Ghost of Nilsson

Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" is probably the epitome of the "high concept" album. Er, that pun was more stumbled upon than intended, but I'll stand by it.

I've skied the slope that she died on a number of times… with my kids. No one deserves to die from a green square.

Umm, lots of great suggestions here — Stop Making Sense, Last Waltz, Rock 'n Roll Highschool, Hard Days Night — but no one is going back to the source.

Back in 1985, I remember making out with my girl at a midnight drive-in showing of Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture.


Let's Dance taught me to appreciate dancing — after an adolescence immersed in non-danceable music. Try dancing to Scary Monsters. Yeah, looks stupid, eh.