
I'm starting to think their row might just be for the game; I'm not sure how it works but it could be cool.
I also don't want either of them to win.

Thanks for the clarification. I had assumed that Keith was just dumb.

I'm with you, I prefer a no idol situation. I think with 5-3 even with Jon around it's a slightly better situation to 4-4 without. As I've said elsewhere there is a way to get Missy and Baylor to be the bad guys in a Jon blindside, at 5-3/5-2 that leaves her with the 3 other women and a numerical advantage.

a few seasons too late…

Alec would be unconventional had we not already had the athletic moron in Fabio.

This is true but if she wants to get rid of Jon I think it's doable without losing Baylor, Missy or Jac's loyalty. It would involve getting rid of him in a way that makes it look like Missy and Baylor flipped but leaves Jac with a choice between sticking with the alliance that voted out her boyfriend or going forward

Quick question: do you have to keep the note after you find the idol? Because they only knew about Keith's idol because they found the note.

Honestly the inability to count to 5 and know it's larger than both 2 and 3 makes me hope his Fire Department is in a very rural place where he isn't having to save too many lives.

That arm slap has me thinking Ponderosa is like some awesome 80's buddy cop movie.

Jon's speech about not kicking her to the curb because it meant no biological babies had me saying "oh god, they are actually good people" because I dislike them in the game but feel like their stance on having children is admirable.

They wouldn't have played it because they knew it was Jon 4, Keith 3, Wes 2.

She knew if Jon played his then the Keith/Wes idol would need playing and boom she is in control. Love her game play. Also you forget that there is no friendship between Baylor and Jaclyn from pre-merge they are in a marriage on convenience from pre-merge, just none of them had strong enough alliances to go back to.

It would have been the easiest way to get rid of Jon whilst keeping Jaclyn's trust but she'd have been 4 v 4 against those guys, would probably had to play her idol on someone else to get to 4 v 3 on them and that means she'd have had to know who they were going for. She would never have flipped because Alec and Wes

I said this when Nadiya got voted out but that was the turning point for Natalie. Had they made it to the merge together they'd have been targeted because they are too much together, Natalie is a strong character but when you have that x2 bouncing off each other I could imagine them being eliminated just because

I was convinced Melissa would go the moment they showed her girlfriend, back story is a killer before like top 6 unless it's you overcoming a serious illness or injury. But then they showed Stacey's hot army man and I figured it was an open competition again.

He wrote a bullshit piece in the Guardian saying that people trying to save the Southbank skate park, the heart of British skateboard culture were arseholes because once a year he holds a workshop for young musicians and development would give them better practice space.

Does that mean Dominic is only like 20?

I'm hoping for Maggie successful in career Jim crying alone like a muppet. Poor Alison Pill has been woefully underserved in this piss poor characature of a role.

Why didn't they just say Regina took her for a tour of the site?????

I really don't get why Regina and Wes couldn't say that Daphne had been taken on a tour of the site by her mom one evening? Surely that is the easier lie?