
I didn't mind when it was Emma but it's telling he dumped the girl who stood up for herself and knew what she wanted and ended up with the girl who lies and manipulates but ultimately makes him feel strong and manly.

Deaf Matt Damon is probably my favourite on the whole show.

true but Bay did shout at Daphne for going to take her SAT. Also why hasn't Bay told Daphne and Regina that the aneurysm was hereditary yet? That will make Daphne feel like a right bitch.

No bad words about Catherine Tate ok? She is a marvel but yeah I was chuffed to get rid of Gervais for a while. do you want Jack Whitehall??

My response to this news is: "thank god, you can have him, now if we can only find a way for you to take Piers Morgan again…"

Always was annoyingly coincidental when what they'd been taught in the first week of the term became the spell needed to succeed at the end.

Yeah, I still kinda blame it for killing Bunheads.

It was really important if Angelo and Daphne were ever going to build a relationship. It's been discussed on here since he came back, people had seen his lack of signing as a show of his lack of interest in her.

It's because none of the young men ever look old enough to actually date Katie LeClerc so they cannot stay around and date Daphne.

I liked Wilke because he brought out the "bad girl" aspect of Daphne. She isn't all sweetness and roses but is often the character who gets trapped in the more boring doing the right thing story lines.

I am still in mourning for Bunheads. It was on tv when I was in a very bad place and much like Gilmore Girls it was perfect comfort watching. Plus had the best depictions of female friendship seen on a teen show. Although I do like when Bay and Daphne and Mariana and Callie act like friends/sisters in both these shows

The problem with "way too old for her guys" is that they are all about the right age for the actress and it's really obvious.

Like me were you thinking "Jesus, kid, listen to her, if she's telling you what she likes it's all going to be way more fun for you too!".

I really enjoy the siblingy stuff too, it's one of those things that you don't notice is bad on other shows until you watch a show where it's good.

I'm glad for some Fosters reviewing but if they were both a tiny bit longer, not much just a little, it'd work better. That being said, both came back strong after their mid season breaks.

The hand up from Daphne was magnificent but my problem with that scene was that although they had her dressed with a headband and girly cardigan Katie LeClerc looked her age (in a powerful woman kind of a way) not 17 like she is supposed to be.

Wow, I hadn't even thought of that!

I think we've all basically been calling for more Bay/Daphne as at least friends if not sisters here for the past season. They have really good chemistry when they are helping each other.

I read an article about it that basically said the cast and crew were too choked up to try it again and they decided the emotion was what sold it.

I dislike all of Morrissey's solo nonsense except "the Last of the Gang to Die", but the Smiths were great. Johnny Marr was just better at writing the music.